1. It’s time to go home. *throws papers up in the air* | The Odyssey Online
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13 Feels Employees Get When It’s Closing Time, As Only Andy Bernard Can Truly Do Justice

What time is it? Closing time!

Andy Bernard

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It's the most glorious time of day. It is officially closing time.

Any employee can relate to that feeling you get when you check the time and see that it is closing time. Some people have to fight the urge to run around, singing and dancing, because they're just so happy. Then, there are those who continue to work until the last possible second and finally leave.

Andy Bernard from "The Office" understood how to shut an office down the right way, especially when he made everyone sing along to "Closing Time."

Now, of course not every office can be that cool, but we've all experienced at least one of these feels when it was closing time.

1. It’s time to go home. *throws papers up in the air*


Everyone stop what you're doing. Toss your work aside. It's time to go.

2. Hello customers, we are CLOSED. Please leave.


Do you see the time? We are closed. Turn around.

3. Thank goodness I don’t have to smile like an idiot anymore.


I can finally wipe this smile off my face that has been here since this morning. Can you tell it's totally fake by now?

4. At the end of the day, the smile just turns into an awkward grimace.


I feel that this smile has become deformed. I hope I haven't scared anyone.

5. We can run around like crazy people because we are CLOSED.


Turn the music up!

6. Why am I the only one who is happy about closing time?


No one seems to be excited, like me... I wonder why.

7. After work, you get to be a totally different person.


You can be anyone you want because it is closing time.

8. Everyone, HURRY. I was done hours ago.


I know it's not a contest, but I'm just always done first. Maybe others just drag their work out.

9. I’m so tired of hearing people speak.


If another person talks to me about work, I might just snap.

10. Let’s reflect on the day. I think it went well.


I think it was a pretty productive day, don't you?

11. Did the phone just ring? Do NOT answer it.


Don't touch that phone. We are closed.

12. Is it bad that I’m always the first one out the door?


It's not that I have to be first. I'm just always ready to go.

13. Peace out. I’m out of here.


It has been real, guys. It's time say goodbye and goodnight.

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