An Open Letter To Anyone About To Begin College
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An Open Letter To Anyone About To Begin College

An awkward transition into the soon-to-be best times of your life.

An Open Letter To Anyone About To Begin College
Courtesy of the Author

Oh my god.... "IT'S HAPPENING!!"

I'm here to reassure you that if you're in denial about moving away from home, yes it is actually happening. Move in day is just around the corner, and you've picked the school you'll be attending for the next 4 years.

Sadly enough, no, time doesn't magically stop for you if you aren't ready to leave for school. At the time when I was about to head off to college I definitely did not think I was ready to completely move on from high school and jump into something foreign.

However, as much as you may not be ready to move on, I'm telling you to do your absolute best to enjoy as much of it as you can instead of dwelling on how much you miss your "old life at home".

Transitioning into college isn't easy, especially when you have a strong friend group, family, boy/girlfriend, or people you love being around all the time. But, just because you'll be gone for 8-9 months doesn't mean everyone who lives at home won't still be at home. Remember that the second you return home, they'll all be there happy as ever to see you again. Keep in mind that instead of moping around missing them, you should be making stories to tell them when you get back.

And sooner or later, each story will slowly turn into your college experience as a whole.

The next biggest step after realizing you're actually leaving is: move in day (where you may feel like your entire life is coming to an end).

However, this irrational thought may turn out to be the farthest thing from true. Whether your roommate in your first (and probably only) dorm room is completely random or a close friend, there's a good chance this person will slowly get to know you like the back of their hand.

When you live with someone 24/7, it can be a bit much and even intimidating at first. On move in day, you may be scared that this person could either be A) a complete freak or B) an insane psychopath. Whether they were random or not, the thought crosses everyone's mind at least once naturally as a survival instinct.

Once you get to know each other, meeting new people together will seem easier because you already have one person by your side to experience this new environment with you.

The roommate phases: There's the honeymoon phase when you're over-the-top nice at first, there's the I need my space from you phase but still have things to tell you so I'll deal with it, then also there's the phase where you start finishing each other's sentences whether you like it or not. And then before you know it, you two are taking on your college experience together.

As you begin to meet other people at your school, talking about high school and where you're from will be the most common of all conversations. Asking what sports, activities, or organizations you participated in growing up. Asking what hometown, sports teams, and fast food chains they had in your area are also common conversation starters everyone discusses.

But, there will come a time where you soon have to attend (dare I say it) *drum roll please*

CLASS. That's right, college isn't just about getting away from your parents and meeting new people. While those are phenomenal perks, keep in mind that you entered college to get a degree. School should remain a large priority because that dictates, for you, basically your entire life after college.

But there's no need to feel pressure yet, you're a freshmen & pulling the "First-Year" card can sometimes get you out of not being prepared 24/7. So, use it as much as you can when you forget to bring that pencil or piece of paper to class.

Classes with the upperclassmen may be intimidating at first, and for awhile "blending in" may be the easiest thing for you to do if that's what helps you get comfortable. However, the hopes of college is to crack you out of your shell and develop you into the person you want to be in the future. Therefore, start participating and getting involved as soon as you can, your future self will thank you for it.

This isn't for participation points like in high school anymore, this is for you as a person.

Once class is underway, rush may become a big thing for you and your friends. And to be honest, this process could cause more stress for you than class at times.

Whether you end up getting into a Greek house or not, it'll all work out how it's supposed to. Whatever friends you make during this time and far after -- you will keep and become closer to than you could have ever even imagined possible.

With this social life picking up, parties will be huge. It's important to definitely experience it and go out as much as your free time allows to meet more people and enjoy yourself. But, it's also important to keep in mind that there will always be another party -- while there may not always be another midterm the next day worth 1/3 of your grade.

Last but not least, keep in mind that throughout all of this: It's okay to mess up. We all do it and have done it 1,000 times, I promise that even your professors have felt completely ignorant at some point in their lives purely because every human isn't perfect.

You'll attract the company you keep, so start to be the person you'd like to meet. It never happens overnight, but slowly you'll see yourself growing up in ways you didn't think you ever would. If you're open to it, college can single-handedly be the most impactful four years of your life. Embrace yourself, and enjoy it.

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