An Ode To My Childhood Idol
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An Ode To My Childhood Idol

Yes, I did listen to old Hilary Duff albums while writing this.

An Ode To My Childhood Idol
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The only person who could even remotely get me through my struggling youth—from Elementary school drama on the playground to Middle School break-ups—was Hilary Duff. I know I’m not the only millennial out there who had her posters plastered on my childhood bedroom walls with Scotch tape. I was never a day late to purchasing her newest album with money I found in the dryer (leftover from my parents' pockets, I’m sure). The point I’m getting to here is that Hilary Duff was the sole reason I was able to make it through some very detrimental moments in my very young adult life.

Recently, I experienced a new level of déjà vu when I found all of Hil’s old albums on her Spotify profile. I spent a better part of my Sunday afternoon that day jumping on my bed, lip-syncing into my hairbrush, pretending that Hilary’s goddess-like voice singing “Come Clean” was my own. I was on stage in Paris just like her. This brought me back to ages 8-12 and I got to thinking—who knows where I would be without Hilary Duff and her thought-provoking lyrics, relatable Disney Channel series and iconic fashion sense.

In fourth grade, I found out that my crush who I'd liked for an entire month didn’t like me back. I was devastated. I remember sitting on the swings on the playground staring dramatically at this boy, wondering if he would ever like me back. My best friend at the time assured me that he would, but all I could think about was the girl he was playing kickball with. I got home that night and knew there was only one thing I could do to mend my broken heart.

I shuffled through my CD holder, finding the perfect Hilary Duff album to relate to how I was feeling. Finally, I placed her 2003 "Metamorphosis" album in my Hello Kitty boombox and waited for Track 1 to start blasting through the speakers. Her lyrics spoke to me and I immediately felt the tension release from my mind.

“If it's over let it go, and,

Come tomorrow it will seem so yesterday

So yesterday, so yesterday

I'm just a bird that's already flown away

Laugh it off

And let it go and

When you wake up

It will seem so yesterday

So yesterday, so yesterday

Haven't you heard that I'm gonna be ok?”

One word: empowering. Imagine if Hilary’s lyrics hadn’t been there for me that day. I would’ve spent at least the rest of the week dwelling on this guy who, as Hilary clearly states, wasn’t meant for me. But it wasn’t just her music that got me through those rough years. Her memorable character, Lizzie McGuire, helped me with everything from bra shopping for the first time with my mom to learning how to sneak out of a hotel room to hang out with an Italian pop star. (If only.)

I have a lot to thank Hil for. She basically guided me through the entirety of my awkward youth, and let’s be real, she’s still one of the most successful post-Disney stars to date. If I ever get the chance to meet her in person, you know that at least two things are going to happen: I’m going to thank her profusely and insist that she gives me a private concert.

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