An Exceptionally American Thanksgiving | The Odyssey Online
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An Exceptionally American Thanksgiving

f*ck your American exceptionalism

An Exceptionally American Thanksgiving

Recently I read a book called “Capitalism: A Ghost Story” by Arundhati Roy, who is a scholar and activist from India. I was excited to finally read work by a woman who shared the same identities as me and to make it even better she was talking about capitalism and the role of the United States in establishing a global capitalist society. After my last article numerous people contended the use of a poster that said "F*ck your American exceptionalism.” A lot of the arguments were pointed towards disrespect for the country. What that sign aimed to do was point out the phenomenon that is so embedded in today's American society - EVERYTHING that America does is exceptional. It is an ideology that holds the United States as unique among nations in negative and positive contexts. Further, it aimed to call out the United States on the damage it does on a global level but guises it as a form of saving on benevolence.

Reading “Capitalism:A Ghost Story” by Arundhati Roy reminded me of the infamous speech given by Jeremiah Wright “ God Damn America” a speech during which Wright criticizes America for playing god. This raises an important question about the role of the United States and capitalism, keeping in mind that capitalism is strictly a Western innovation being spread to other Eastern countries. Capitalism also may seem to hold the power of the almighty but can we ignore the creator of capitalism? Can we ignore the fact the the United States is the biggest beneficiary of this neoliberal capitalism that ensures its place as the most powerful country and influences the political strategies of other countries.

In her book. Roy talks about corporate philanthropy that has become a sort of “maintenance patrol” for capitalism. Starting with the Carnegie corporation, corporate foundations were now able to guise as non profits, making decisions about policies and other events that affected the lives of low income individuals. This idea eventually went global, forming the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). These ideas eventually spread to “Third- World” countries like India and Bangladesh where establishment of microfinance has been responsible for suicides ( I use this term loosely) of millions of farmers. Roy gets us to think about whether such incidents are mere coincidences or the work of the almighty - capitalism.

A prolific example of capitalism guising itself as human rights is the Anna Hazare Campaign for the Jan Lokpal Bill, a bill that would lead to surveillance and control of the population in India. Anna Hazare, a well acclaimed social activist and politician whose campaign, though rooted in capitalist ideals, guised itself as a Gandhian campaign for anti-corruption. Numerous indians joined him in his struggle to make india corruption free. A large number of this population included the Indian elite and educated who found Anna Hazare matching the standards of acceptable resistance. Further, as Roy tells us, the campaign lead by Team Anna was not free of influences by large corporations like Coca Cola and Lehman Brothers and also the Ford Foundation.

Anna’s campaign was not only influenced by the billion dollar companies investing in him but also by U.S support. A big sponsor for team Anna was the Ford Foundation. Everywhere there is Capitalism there has to be U.S influence. Roy gives an example of this by talking about the situation of Kashmir, a land that has lead to numerous wars between India and Pakistan and continues to be a place where the lives of people, specifically low income individuals, is wrought with uncertainty and danger. There is no doubt about the U.S, India relationship that strengthened with the ability of India to provide capital aid to the United States and vice versa. This relationship continues to influence the situation of Kashmir and dictates the lives of people living in Kashmir. Roy points out the strengthening relation of USA and India post Obama’s visit which also made him receed his previous statement about resolving the Kashmir conflict. The United States stand on Kashmir is influenced by numerous capitalist goals like Pakistan's ability to be of help to US like India can.

So when I talk about American exceptionalism, I am talking about the fact that America was founded on genocide and slavery, thrives on the oppression and murder of colored bodies and continues to influence the economies and development of other countries while still maintaining a guise of a exceptionally democratic and free country.

Uh happy Thanksgiving!!!????

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