Why I Am Proud To Be An American!
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Politics and Activism

Why I Am Proud To Be An American!

This land is yours, mine, and ours, and we are all AMERICANS!

Why I Am Proud To Be An American!
Business Insider

With all of the media ablaze and abuzz over the campaign, and social media not far behind, it becomes easy to see what people think of the candidates and their views. However, what do we all dream for America? My biggest and most annoying pet peeve about our political system is the fact that we elect officials to office, and then we are supposed to trust they are acting in our best interests. This is the flaw of our system, that we basically elect parents to our elected offices. In a true and most pure form of our system of government, the officials would bend and bow to the will of the people, collecting the opinions and needs of all the people, and enacting them into law. However, we elect officials who pass laws and tell us to trust and believe their policies will work. I find this whole thing to be simply unacceptable, and we need to stop acting as sheep do following a shepherd.

Do not simply complain about what is wrong or what each candidate thinks, but make your voice known, not only on social media, but talk to others. Debate. Take action. Do anything you can.

I plan to start here. I dream of an America where all people, regardless of skin color, race, sexual orientation, religion, etc., are afforded equal and fair opportunity to succeed. I dream of an America where Democrat and Republican is not how a person is identified when they speak of the politics and government of this great nation, but rather, that we identify and give people praise based on their ideas, their dedication to serve the will of the people unquestionably, and their worth as a human beings. I dream of an America where you can be poor and disadvantaged, and still be able to go out and make something of yourself through hard work, education, and daring, without putting yourself in thousands of dollars of debt. I dream of an America where we take care all peoples, where nobody is forced to starve and die because they are simply too poor to afford food, medication and healthcare, or education to better themselves.

We are a nation of immigrants, born out of farmers, rebels, slaves, tribal peoples, even criminals, who came here for a second chance, a fresh start, a free nation. We revolted against kings and tyrants, fought numerous wars against dictators and those who challenged the natural rights of man, and carried the banner of freedom wherever we went.

Here and now, I do submit, that our elections and the successes and failures of our elected officials do not define us as Americans. What defines "Americans" is our grit, our determination, our respect for our fellow man and our ultimate respect for freedom, equality, and determination to make our selves better and respect the natural human rights of all humans, regardless of any factors that may define them besides any ill intent they may have for our ideals.

To finish this somewhat of a rant, we are all Americans. We all respect and support and help and stand by one another regardless of any election, and I am proud to say that I come from many cultural backgrounds, with ancestors who came from many nations to this land with nothing to have a better life. I love this land, and its people, no matter who you may be, what your party may be, how much money you make, or your race, you are all my American brothers and sisters, my fellow citizens, and I will honor and respect any lifestyle you may choose within the bounds of the law, and any choices you may make within the same.

A poem by Emma Lazarus, engraved at the feet of the Statue of Liberty, describes our nation perfectly:

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame

Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.

"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she

With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,


God Bless the United States and all of her people!

This land is all of ours, let us respect each other always as equals!

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