Penn State is one of a kind in every single aspect. It's a school full of scholars, athletes, pride and everything blue and white—and home to something of each letter of the alphabet:
A - Arts Fest
An excuse for students to reunite in the summer before classes start to soak up the sun, catch up, and oh yeah, there's art too!
B - Beaver Stadium
If you're at Penn State on a Saturday during the Fall, I guarantee the noise you hear is coming from the 100,000+ fans in Beaver Stadium.
C - College Ave.
College Ave. is one of the main roads downtown which is filled with apartment complexes, bars, clothing stores, restaurants, and so much more.
D - Dorito Church
I don't know if any student knows the actual name of the stone church located at the intersection of Beaver Ave. and S Garner St., but the Dorito Church is a well-known landmark to all students.
E - Extreme weatherÂ
State college has the most extreme weather— it can start snowing, raining or hailing at any minute, and the next day it could be 60° you just never know.
F - Forum
Whether it's ECON 102, CHEM 112, or anything in between, you will not graduate from University Park without having at least one class in the famous (or infamous) Forum Building.
G - Greek lifeÂ
Penn State is home to a lot of Greek Life that participates in different activities all over campus.
H - HomecomingÂ
Homecoming week is full of different events leading up to the parade and the big game which allows so many alumni to come home and cheer on their Alma mater.
I - Ice cream
No one can visit Penn State without stopping at Berkey Creamery for their famous ice cream. Just remember the two rules: no mixing flavors and you can only get blue and white sprinkles!
J - Joe Paterno
A Penn State legend, 409 forever. Enough said.
K - Kickoff
There's nothing like the energy at a Penn State kickoff. I have one question for you "Are you ready for Penn State football?"
L - Loops and LinksÂ
Penn State is an enormous campus, thanks to the Blue and White Loop and Red and Green Link getting around is a bit easier, although crowded at times.
M - Michigan still sucks
You're reading letter 'M' and Michigan still sucks.
N - Nittany Lion Shrine
The second most photographed location in Pennsylvania is filled with history, ever wonder where the crack in the ear came from?
O - Old Main
On warm days, Old Main Lawn is filled with students laying out, throwing Frisbee, walking dogs, and students just taking in the beauty of Penn State.
P - Pegula Ice ArenaÂ
Pegula Ice Arena is a fairly new addition to the University Park campus, but it hasn't been hard for the men and women's ice hockey teams to prove themselves, which raises the question: will Penn State be a hockey school soon?
Q - Quarterback
We love all of our athletes, but our quarterbacks hold a special place in our hearts. In Trace we trust, it's Tommy time, who's next?
R - Rec Hall
Just across the street from the shrine is Rec Hall, which is filled with rowdy fans for wrestling, men and women's volleyball, gymnastics, and more.
S - SquirrelsÂ
Penn State squirrels are a different breed of animals. They will come up to you for food, literally run into your feet and scare the crap out of you. They really have no fear.
Penn State is home to the largest student-run philanthropy in the world. Raising millions of dollars every year leading up to the 46 hours no sleep, no sitting dance marathon all in support of finding a cure for childhood cancer.
U - Unrivaled
Penn State Unrivaled, no explanation needed.
V - Valley
Located in between the mountains of State College in Centre County, PA, we are Happy Valley.
W - White out
There is literally nothing in the world that can compare to the feeling of a Penn State White Out under the lights at Beaver Stadium.
X - Xtra loud
Penn State fans and students are extra loud and extra proud in everything we do.
Y - Years you'll never forget
Penn State offers so many opportunities for its students. No matter what your interests are or what your major is, you will have the most amazing time at Penn State.
Z - Zero schools betterÂ
There really are no schools better than Penn State.