9 Tips For an Incoming Freshman
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9 Tips For an Incoming Freshman

Some things I learned the hard way.

9 Tips For an Incoming Freshman

This year I’m finally a college senior, soon to graduate and enter the “real world.” Lately I have been reflecting on things that I have learned in my short 3 years. Some things I learned the hard way and others which came easily. I thought I’d share some of these lesson to the excited yet anxious freshman that I once was.

1. Your RA is an Ally.

If you plan on dorming you will experience what it means to have a Resident Assistant. If you don’t know what that means already an easy definition of a RA is some one that keeps order on your floor and plans programs for residents to attend. Your RA is so much more than this definition. They aren’t the “mean jerk” that wrote you up for drinking in your room or the obnoxious guy that keeps telling you to keep it down. They are people, they are students, and they actually care a lot. Being a RA isn’t easy and most RA’s have gone through extreme training. If they didn’t care about their job or their residents they wouldn’t be doing what they do. Get to know your RA because they will come in handy. Part of their job description is to know the campus like the back of their hand. They can help assist you with activities going on, clubs that you may want to join, and things to do in the local area. On a more serious note they know how to get help on campus and the best possible resources for you as a student.

2. Apply to Scholarships.

I have so many friends that tell me they have never received scholarships. My advice to this is to apply. Apply until you can apply no more. There are so many scholarships that go unclaimed each year because no one applies to them. I can promise you there is a scholarship somewhere out there for you and you just have to look hard to get it. Talk to your advisor, visit the financial aid office, and search scholarships on your university’s home page. Also, don’t stop once you receive one. Most University’s have scholarships pertaining to your year. Double check after each year and see if there is one you may qualify for once you become a sophomore, junior, or senior.

3. Be kind to your Roommate.

Going into college I was most terrified of meeting my freshman year roommate. I did what I’m sure most people have done and I face-booked her. I was an incoming theater major and I soon learned that she was a tennis player that loved pop punk bands. I immediately made assumptions of her and decided before I even met her that we wouldn’t get along. But, this wasn’t true. Who I thought she would be wasn’t her at all. She was so much more than what I gathered from her Facebook and we had more in common than we realized. Don’t make assumptions or go in to the situation in a negative light. Odds are they are just as nervous as you. Spend the first night getting to know each other and setting ground rules for the semester to come. You don’t have to be best friends but, you do have to learn to live together.

4. Don't let anyone peer-pressure you.

Your first semester is the hardest. You are adapting to new change probably the biggest change you have experienced so far. You’re learning new things about yourself and the world around you. You start to learn about new things you love and some things you just plain hate. That’s okay! That’s what college is all about. Through this change trust your instinct. Most of the time your gut is telling you the truth. If your gut is telling you, you don’t want to do something odds are you shouldn't do it. Don’t let anyone try to peer pressure you into something that makes you uncomfortable. I’v seen people get seriously injured doing things they didn’t even want to really do in the first place. If you can’t tell someone that is trying to peer-pressure you, your true feelings find someone that can or simply leave the situation. You don’t owe anyone an explanation.

5. Changing your major is okay!

If you are unhappy in your major the best thing to do is change it. Change it while you can. Remember that you or your parents are paying a lot to give you a better future. At least make that future something you are happy to be working towards. Don’t feel like changing your major will hold you back. Studies show that up to 80% of college freshman will change their major at least once throughout their time in college. If it makes you feel any better I’v changed my major twice and I’m still on track to graduate.

6. Being a student leader is not easy.

Your student leaders are usually elected by you, for you, and to help you. It’s easy to put the blame on them when something for your club doesn’t go your way. Being a student leader is hard. They are doing the best they can with what they have. Most of the time they don’t know your concerns unless you tell them. So go to them, attend a meeting, and make your voice heard because they truly value your input and opinion. Paying attention to the politics of your school can only help you and if you feel like being a leader join them!

7. You will lose friends.

I know it’s cool to think the friends you have made freshman year will follow you through to senior year. This is both true and false. Of course odds are some friends you make freshman year will remain your friends until senior year and beyond. The sad truth however, is some will fade away. This is life. People come into your life when they are supposed to and they leave when they are meant to. Each person offers you a lesson to learn. Learn from the lesson and move on.

8. Home changes.

Going off to college you have this unrealistic expectation that life at home remains the same. Life at home doesn’t halt for anyone. Your family changes, your friends change, you change. People grow and they move forward so don’t be surprised when you head back home and you’re not the only one sharing new stories you’ve just gained.

9. Lastly, stay open minded.

I remember my last week at home. I made up scenarios in my head on how awesome college was going to be. I told myself that I was going to join so many clubs and maybe an intramural sports team. I had everything planned. But, the thing about college is the unpredictability of it all. I’v learned that things don’t happen as you may have imagined in your head which can lead to disappointment. Stay open minded and take each day as it goes because before you know it you’re a Senior ready to throw your cap in the air.

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