10 Ted Talks Every College Girl Needs To Watch
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10 Ted Talks Every College Girl Needs To Watch

Girls, man. They'll take over the world.

10 Ted Talks Every College Girl Needs To Watch

1. For when you need a little bravery

"We're raising girls to be perfect, we're tasing our boys to be brave." Girls in our society do not take risks because they refuse to do something if the result will not be perfect. It was not until I watched this Ted Talk that I realized how true all of what Reshma was preaching was. I hold myself back if something I am working on doesn't feel perfect. I now realize I will never be successful if I never even try.

2. For when you need to know if age matters

If I had a dollar for every time an adult told me I could not do, feel, or know something because I was too "young", then I would have enough money to fix all of the problems past generations have left us with. Those comments, as much as I attempt to disregard them, do have degrading effects often leaving me unmotivated. Why even try to make an impact if it doesn't matter? Then I, and Kate Simonds, remind myself that we can't let the naysayers hold us back. I have a long life to make a difference in the world. If I start now who knows how much I could accomplish.

3. For when you need to know how to make the most of college

I will be the first to admit I left high school with regrets. Could have done more to ensure success? In college I do not want to make the same mistake of "regretting" the four years I spend here. This Ted Talk points out some solid things every student in college should do to make the most out of their time there, from working different types of jobs to building a friend group of successful individuals.

4. For when you need to be a leader

A lot of times when people compliment me on my work I respond with the likes of "Thanks! I am awesome I know" and a casual laugh. Almost every time I accept a compliment like this I am meant with shock. How dare I admit that I did a good job? No, when receiving a compliment I, as a woman, am supposed to say it was no big deal and the success is attributed to something else. This reaction is why we do not have enough women leading. Men have no problem owning their accomplishments, and neither should we women.

5. For when you need to know if you're the only one

"Oh that happens to everyone." "You're over reacting." "Have a sense of humor."

These are three phrases every girl I know has heard. When does she hear them? Every time she attempts to speak up about her experience with sexual harassment. What Laura Bates is here to tell us is that from the tiniest incident of cat calling, to something as huge and as scary as sexual assault, you deserve to talk about your attack. You are not alone in your experience. And yes, you can help make a change by sharing your story.

6. For when you need to be fearless

1. Did you mean it?

2. Can you defend it?

3. Can you say it with love?

How do you know when you need to stand up and tell the truth? Luvvie Ajayi says whenever you are wondering ask yourself the above three questions. However, merely knowing you need to speak up doesn't make it any easier to do so. It is scary. I am talking scarier then heights, spiders, and, honestly, in some cases, death. Now more then ever we can see that staying silent and living in fear is more dangerous then it is safe.

7. For when you need to be vulnerable

I HATE BEING VULNERABLE. This Ted Talk made me want to go grab a couple beers and a banana nut muffin (you'll get it once you watch the talk). I have no desire to sit around the campfire singing kumbaya and spilling my deepest darkest secrets. But what happens when I squash all of my emotions? Well I do not suppress only the bad emotions, but also the good ones. Living a healthy emotional life is essential in college!

8. For when you need to get your creativity back

Shonda Rhimes is the goddess of modern day television. If you have not heard of the artistry that is Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, How To Get Away With Murder, and more, then what rock are you living under? Now, even media titans get burned out sometimes. Their creativity lapses. So what do you do when the work you do starts to taste like dust? Let's find out from the woman who has taught me everything else about my young adult life.

9. For when you need some confidence

Have you ever sat in a classroom terrified to raise your hand? Have you ever turned in a job application terrified to be rejected? Have you ever been standing in line at the coffee shop terrified to ask the boy in front of you for his snapchat? Confidence often seems like something out of our own control. Well, I'll tell you that confidence IS something you can control and confidence IS NOT something permanently out of reach.

10. For when you need some good old motherly advice

If this long list of Ted Talks still didn't provide you with the advice you need then check out this talk from an amazing mother. Her breakdown of the three types of love, self, romantic, and community love is incredible. She tells you how to break up with the crappy guy you're dating, how to be prepared for bad situations, how to love yourself, and more. Solid life advice right here.

I feel almost enlightened after watching so many Ted Talks in order to write this article. So next time you are walking to class, folding laundry, or working out listen to this playlist with all ten Ted Talks on it. The advice is priceless. Come on girls, we've got a world to run.


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