9 Songs You Should Definitely Know
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9 Songs You Should Definitely Know

According to me, that is.

9 Songs You Should Definitely Know

I did one of these articles a while back. And got radically low hits on it -- apparently no one cares about my music tastes. But, I'm stubborn and really like giving new music to people, so I'm trying it again. Here are nine songs I think everyone should hear. Happy listening

1. "Cheap Talk" - E-Z, Sarai Givaty, & Amit Sagie

"Cheap Talk" is one of the few English songs from my favorite Hebrew rapper, E-Z. It's not a rap song, however, but a beachy, California-y, good vibes song. It's easy on the ears, uplifting, and good for a day drive or road trip. I don't really "get" the music video though, so feel free to interpret in whatever way makes sense to you.

Favorite lyric(s): "So no pain, no fortune. Ain't no therapy like the ocean."

2. "Feels" - Calvin Harris ft. Pharrell Williams, Katy Perry, and Big Sean

I'm not really one for mainstream music. I tend to find most "top 40" style music to be kind of hollow and cheap. And it's not like "Feels" is some philosophical marvel; it is actually exactly like most mass produced music on the radio, but it's a bop. I can't listen to it once without listening to it ten times in a row. It just puts me in a good mood.

Favorite lyric(s): "Do you like getting paid or getting paid attention?"

3. "Finding You" - Kesha

I was so stoked when Kesha released a new album after so long. I've been a fan of hers since the "Tik Tok" days and her music has only gotten better (thankfully, because, let's be honest, the early days didn't represent my best taste). "Finding You" is the kind of song that makes you feel like you're in love even when you're very single and Kesha's ability to use a subtle vibrato is, in my opinion, grossly underrated.

Favorite lyric(s): "Kiss me and tell me I'm fine and forget we’re dying."

4. "He" - Tal

I stumbled across this song on the rare day I looked through Spotify's recommendations for me and was pleasantly surprised. I thought it sounded a bit like Macklemore, which I like because I like the way his voice sounds like his mouth is wrapped around the words too much and he's speaking straight out of his chest. The lyrics are pretty powerful and the melody is beautiful, and a random new hip-hop-ish song is always good.

Favorite lyric(s): "I want to believe in that notion I'm needed; I really just wanna be wanted."

There's no YouTube link for this song, so here it is on Spotify:


5. "Sunshine" - KYLE ft. Miguel

"Sunshine" is just a hip-hoppy, pop bop, you know? It sounds like a song that plays over the opening credits in a 1970s themed disco movie in New York City. It's a feel-good, it doesn't take a lot of mental energy, and it doesn't get old.

Favorite lyric(s): "I couldn't help but stare, babe, I'd let you love me blind."

6. "T5" - Swet Shop Boys

Riz Ahmed, British-Pakistani actor and rapper, and member of Swet Shop Boys, saturates most of his work with important cultural and political information. "T5" is sociopolitical song about what it's like to travel as person of color with a Muslim name. This song is a meditation on airports as centers of socially sanctioned racism and, in addition to being incredibly good, a song that most people should hear, if for no other reason than social awareness.

Favorite lyric(s): "Trump want my exit, but if he press a red button
To watch Netflix, bruv, I'm on."

7. "Pray" - Sam Smith

"Pray" is one of two recently released singles from Sam Smith's upcoming album. I heard it for the first time on Saturday night when he performed on Saturday Night Live and was brought to tears. It's arguably one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in a while and it's easily one of his best, which says a lot because he has a library of great stuff. His voice is piercing, the lyrics are just phenomenal, and you really just can't go wrong.

Favorite lyric(s): "You won't find me in church, reading the bible. I am still here and I'm still your disciple. I'm down on my knees, I'm beggin' You, please. I'm broken, alone, and afraid. I'm not a saint, I'm more of a sinner. I don't wanna lose, but I fear for the winners. When I tried to explain, the words ran away. That's why I am stood here today."

8. "Gabriel" - Bear's Den

I haven't ever heard a Bear's Den song I didn't love, so choosing only one to put on this list was a task. Bear's Den's music is pure poetry and "Gabriel" is no exception. It's melodic, touching, heart-breaking, and beautiful, and something that is almost impossible to listen to only once.

Favorite lyric(s): "It's not just a shadow, but a life I left behind; the person I am, yet most despise."

9. "Stick To Your Guns" - Watsky

Watsky is a rapper that holds very little back, but does so so subtly that you almost don't realize you're listening to politcal commentary. "Stick To Your Guns" is a commentary on gun control, media response to gun violence, and how political candidates treat the topic of gun control. It's a satire, a savage slap in the face, and, in light of what happened in Las Vegas, a brilliant song that everyone should hear, regardless of your political opinion.

Favorite lyric(s): "But I gotta mention that it's sick and insane. My opponent's twisting your pain for political gain. That's lame and I think it's a damn shame; it doesn't give anyone power to cast blame because the past is past, and it's best that we keep things the same."

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