The new year is a time of rebirth and new beginnings. It is a time at which many people decide to make resolutions--plans to improve and grow. Unfortunately, it can at times be difficult to think of a New Year's resolution. If you are looking for ideas, take a look at these nine real-life resolutions from a variety of people.
1. To be more spontaneous
"This year I am hoping to find the "excitement" in each day because life can change in just the blink of an eye. I want to travel a little more, meet new people, and explore outside the norm of every day school and work. A busy life can lead to an intense schedule, so I hope to break my way out of that schedule and be more spontaneous."
2. To be supportive of those who need it
"I'm hoping to find happiness, support those in need such as multicultural people and the LGBT community, and develop my singing and dancing skills."
3. To be a better college student
"1. Make it to at least half of my 8 a.m. classes
2. Only have six or less mental break downs per month
3. Get more free drinks when I go out
4. Have Chipotle at least twice a week
5. Lose the sophomore seventy
6. Come up with better Instagram captions"
4. To learn more
"My plans are to learn more music theory on bass, start training seriously for rugby, (debating going vegetarian for next semester to cut some weight), and learning more about myself in the RA position."
5. To practice self-love
"My New Year's resolution is that I want to focus all my happiness into me. I want to take myself out on dates, and I don't want to try to impress other people by trying to be someone they'll like. I want to be someone I like. I feel like I'm finally beginning to love myself just as I am, a crazy, smart, fun-loving human who's just trying to figure out the world."
6. To be more present
"My New Year's resolution is to stop multitasking. This was I can put all my energy into doing what I love in the present without distractions."
7. To keep being awesome
"My New Year's resolution is to continue to do well in school, work out more, and write more songs."
8. To connect with self and others
"Three resolutions to nurture peace within:
1. Restart my origami hobby, complete 30 medium to advanced folding patterns (models)
2. Read or write at least three poems a week.
3. Walk 30 minutes a day.
Three resolutions to connect with others:
1. Call or write my parents and each of my brothers and sisters--not just on their birthdays.
2. Nurture a friendship neglected.
3. Be a friend to someone outside my normal circles."
9. To usher in the positivity
"My resolution this year is to focus less on the negativity in my life. It's so easy to get caught up in everything that goes wrong, and I let it get in the way of being happy. I'm going to have to practice letting things go, or at least ignoring them if they don't matter."