9 Reasons You Should Watch 'The Princess Bride'
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9 Reasons You Should Watch 'The Princess Bride'

Who wouldn't fall in love with #8?

9 Reasons You Should Watch 'The Princess Bride'
Fathom Events

Every millennial and '90s kid most likely grew up watching the movie The Princess Bride. Its brilliance helped develop my personality, as I'm sure it did the same for countless others. This film is weird and wonderful, and I wouldn't want it any other way. If you haven't watched it, here are 9 reasons why you absolutely should as soon as possible.

1. Sarcastic Humor-

As someone whose first language is sarcasm, I relate on so many levels to this movie. It reflects my attitude and beautifully conveys each thought that saunters across my brain. Not everyone appreciates this type of dry, witty humor, but those people who do will adore The Princess Bride.

2. Non-Sappy Romance-

The Princess Bride does the inconceivable: it manages to write a love story without the sappy, cheesy, stomach-churning, lovey-dovey type of romance. I am not a huge fan of romance movies in general, but I can tolerate it in this movie. I even dare to admit that I like it. Yes, there is kissing. Yes, there are moments of affection and sentiments of devotion, but they are portrayed in a way that is bearable, and almost enjoyable. The amounts of humor, action, and danger in the other parts of the film balance out the romantic element.

3. Pirates-

Pirates are fierce, brave, talented, villainous, and heroic. The character of the Dread Pirate Roberts brought so much to the plot. He apparently abducted and executed Wesley, which prompted Buttercup to marry Prince Humperdink, adding suspense. He pursued and then fought Buttercup's captors, adding action and danger. He then revealed himself to actually be Wesley, who unveiled the secret behind the story of the Dread Pirate Roberts. Pirates are good for so much more than simple thievery.

4. Multiple Evasions of Death-

Wesley was presumed to be dead: killed by Pirates. But he presented himself later in the film to actually be a pirate, making it seem as if he returned from the grave. As well, Wesley out-fought Inigo Montoya, a master swordsman, and Fezek, a giant brute, and later became their friends. Wesley was also tortured by Prince Humperdink to a state of "almost death" and was brought back to life by a wizard. Inigo was stabbed in the abdomen, yet managed to push through his injury and win the sword fight, avenging his father's death. Buttercup and Wesley successfully survived the Fire Swamp with flaming geysers, quicksand, and rodents of unusual size. Such danger, such suspense, such genius!

5. Buttercup's Unwavering Faith-

Each time Prince Humperdink mentioned his wedding to Buttercup, she never quaked in fear, suggesting time after time that Wesley would come for her. And so he did.

6. Inigo Montoya's Determination-

Inigo was inhumanly determined to avenge the death of his father. He even took a stab to the gut to do it! That is truly a loving son.

7. Grandpa's Sass-

The Princess Bride is a fairy tale story within a story. A grandpa is reading the story to his sick grandson. Each time the grandson would pipe up with his unsolicited opinion or complaints about the story, the grandpa would put him in his place in a way that was adorable, hilarious, and respectable all at the same time.

8. Wesley-

From his luscious, golden hair, to his innocent farm boy role, to his fearless, sexy pirate role, to his uncanny ability to successfully pull off a mustache, to his stellar use of vocabulary, to his unmatchable wit, to his undying love for Buttercup, who wouldn't fall in love with this man?

9. It's Quotability-

All the sarcasm, sass, vocabulary, and soliloquies packed into one film offer innumerable amounts of quotes. I probably say at least five every day! After all, a good film is one you can relate to your everyday life, and quotes help to do just that.

So there you have it: 9 of the many reasons why the movie that basically formed my childhood is still forming my adulthood.

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