9 Mind-Blowing Mandela Effects | The Odyssey Online
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9 Mind-Blowing Mandela Effects

9 Mandela Effects that could possibly point to a parallel universe.

9 Mind-Blowing Mandela Effects
Youtube User Shane Dawson.

So recently, one of my latest craze’s has been the Mandela Effect. I completely 100% Stan the Mandela Effect. For those of you who don't know or are unsure of what the Mandela Effect is, let me tell you.

The Mandela Effect is (in short) when something is one way, but everyone remembers it another way. For example, Nelson Mandela. Everyone remembers Nelson Mandela dying in prison, but he never actually did. This is also where the name Mandela Effect comes from. As Youtube Personality Shane Dawson has discussed, many people think that this happens because at some point in the past we flipped into and alternate universe and that the Mandela Effect is proof of this alternate universe. So, because I’ve been so obsessed with this researching and letting Shane Dawson feed my obsession with his awesome videos, here are a few of the ones that really stood out to me.

1.) Berenstein vs Berenstain Bears

The one that started it all. Many people grew up reading the books and watching the cartoons for the Berenstein/Berenstain Bears. But, as Shane Dawson recently discussed, many people remember Berenstein and NOT Berenstain, Yet, no one could actually find anything with the name Berenstein. But why do so many people remember it as this? All I have to say is.. Mandela Effect.

2.) Luke, I am your father.

Alright so we all know that super famous line in StarWars being “LUKE, I am your father!” or was it? Well, as it turns out, DARTH NEVER SAID THAT. The actual quote that was said was “No, I am your father.” Not Luke. So how is the most famous line in StarWars remembered incorrectly by almost everyone??? Mandela Effect. Don't believe it? Watch the scene here:

3.) Mirror Mirror On the Wall.

"Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the fairest of them all?" If you grew up with Disney and Snow White, thats probably how you remember the evil queen talking to the mirror right? Well if it is, you're wrong along with everyone else who remembers it that way. Trust me, I know its mind blowing. This one specifically made me go back and re-watch the Snow White movie. But the actual quote is "Magic Mirror on the wall..." Check it out here:

4.) Sex In The City.

Although I never watched this show myself, I remember flipping through the channel guide and always seeing Sex in the City.. However, Its been recently pointed out that it was never Sex in the City but it instead has always been Sex AND the City.. as Shane Dawson stated in one of his videos, many people are saying "oh well the in could be a typo, you might have just slipped out the in blah blah blah" but how do so many people remember it as IN and not AND. Then Shane linked us here to this video (That I cannot find but you can see it in Shane Dawson's Mandela Effect Video) of a guy opening a brand new Sex IN The City Perfume set with IN and not AND engraved into everything! ... do what you please with this information all I have to say is.. Mandela Effect.

5.) Chic-Fil-A

Okay so growing up I always remember Chic-Fil-A being spelled CHIC... and the reason i remember this so clearly was because it ALWAYS bothered me that it was spelled wrong.. but it was recently pointed out to me by Shane Dawson's video that is indeed CHICK-FIL-A.... WHAT.... Let me just tell you, I am 1000% not okay with it being CHICK-fil-a, and I swear I remember it as being Chic-Fil-A. I can't be the only one who does.. but maybe I am? Take a look below at the logo comparison one Reddit user did and let me know which one you remember..

6.) Flinstones vs Flintstones.

Okay so for this one, I'm not gonna lie. I am not 100% sold on it, but after talking to my mom and her remembering it as FLINSTONES not FLINTSTONES, I decided to include it. So we all know the prehistoric family the Flinstones/Flintstones. But recently many people have come forward stating that they remember Flinstones and not Flintstones. Could this be a Mandela Effect? Let me know what you remember.

7.) Jiff vs Jiffy Peanut butter.

I pulled this one from mandelaeffect.com. Someone (I believe) by the name of Fiona Broome had gone on and wrote: "Do you recall Jif peanut butter launching as “Jiffy”? Apparently, this alternate memory is fairly widespread" she then pulled the following replies and posted them:

"On 23 Jan 15, Rick asked:

Does anyone else have a memory of the peanut butter brand Jif previously being called Jiffy? I recall having seen this change somewhere around the age of 10 (1989), and it sticks with me because even at that young age, I actually considered that I may have jumped to a parallel universe. However part of the memory I’m not as sure of is discovering that it was in fact a name change by the company. At least this is what I’ve always thought until finding this website caused me to look that fact up. It seems that at least in this reality there was never a name change and it has always been Jif.

On 24 Jan, Chris said:

I have goosebumps about this one. I always remember it as “Jiffy” and commercials when I was young about how moms could whip up a sandwich “in a Jiffy.” After Googling it, we aren’t the only ones who remember it as Jiffy."

So, Was it Jiff or Jiffy?.. It for sure was a Mandela Effect...

8.) Monopoly Guy.

What key fashion piece's on the Monopoly guy made him stand out? Many people remember it as a Top Hat and Monocle. In fact, so many people remember it this way that when they dress up as the monopoly man for halloween or some sort of costumed event, they include his famous Monocle. But its been recently brought to the publics attention that the monopoly man has never had a monocle yet. So many people have come forward saying that they specifically remember him having one. So why do so many people remember it this way? Mandela Effect.

9.) Looney Toons vs Looney Tunes.

Bugs Bunny, Lola Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tweety Bird, Taz the Tasmanian Devil, Sylvester, the list goes on and we all remember them as the Looney Toons! As in Looney CarTOONS right? wrong. As it turns out, they're actually the Looney Tunes.. Tunes as in songs or music not Toons as in cartoons, which would make a lot more sense right? Many people are stating that they never remember the Looney Tunes being spelled as tunes but that they specifically remember Looney Toons. Personally, I remember toons also because to me and many other they were crazy fun cartoons hence the Looney Toons. So which one do you remember?

I could go on and on and on and on with Mandela Effects and by the time I finish we'd probably be in a new parallel universe with all new Mandela Effects, so this is where I leave you. Until next time when I come back with more mind blowing Mandela Effects. Special Shoutout to Shane Dawson on youtube found under "Shane" for getting me so deep into Mandela Effects. Be sure to check him out and watch all of his Mandela Effects Videos!

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