Comeback Kid: Why We Shouldn't Count Blockbuster Out of the Fight
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Comeback Kid: Why We Shouldn't Count Blockbuster Out of the Fight

The long-lost chain might just have something up it's sleeve. *maybe*

Comeback Kid: Why We Shouldn't Count Blockbuster Out of the Fight

The illustrious Blockbuster Franchise started emerging in the late '80s out of Texas. From there the business boomed, spreading out across the nation and settling near and dear to our hearts. By the mid '90s Blockbuster had become a house-hold name and the unrivaled titan seemed to be unstoppable. Then Redbox happened.

The once proud chain was dealt a serious gut-punch taking it to it's knees–– but it persevered. Desperate for survival, Blockbuster flexed its Darwinian muscles and adapted to survive. It started offering similar "one-night" rentals to keep toe to toe with Redbox. It didn't, but the poor fella sure tried. Then Netflix happened.

The epitome of kicking someone while they're down, The struggling chain was eclipsed by the video streaming service and grim fate of the chain soon became clear. Unable to rival the instant accessibility and breadth Netflix had to offer, our once proud chain withered to the brink of nonexistence, where it stays today.

But the light has not gone out....

Ok, its mostly gone out. It lives off its history and some charity and mostly by sucking the blood of unicorns. It enjoys a pretty dismal life style. But for the sake of a good laugh, lets entertain the thought that Blockbuster could make a come back. I've been crunching numbers and making calls and I have come up with all the possible scenarios for this to happen.

Here are the 8 (and only 8) reasons why you shouldn't count Blockbuster out of the fight:

#1 Divine intervention

If you're gonna raise a chain back from the dead, a little omnipotence can go a long way.

#2 A little dirty work

If you're looking to see what a little nefarious business ethics can do, remember that time in our nation's history that Al Capone quite literally owned a major U.S. city. Bustin' some knee caps like the days of old might not be the worst thing Blockbuster has ever done

#3 Junior Mints

If we look at the height of Blockbuster's achievements, its not their movie selections, its not blue polo's and khakis, it's junior mints.

#4 Government pity bailout

Hey, if it worked for GM, Ford, and Chrysler then why not! There's some pretty sweet money in the bailout business.

#5 We've done crazier things

Scientists set a new bar recently, sending the New Horizons space craft in the previously untouched depths of space in a mission lasting the majority of a decade. We've also given a platform for Donald Trump to run for president. At this point in our country, anything seems up for grabs. Blockbuster coming back? Why the hell not.

#6 Carpet stains

Although Blockbuster can't compete with most anything Redbox or Netflix can offer, it does have a leg up in one department: Carpet stains. No matter the store, no matter its location, there are carpet stains far and wide across it. Sometimes they smell like butter too! It's sort of a miniature adventure while you're out there shopping for rentals.

#7 Murphy's Law

"Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." This isn't aimed at the already troubled chain, but at its competition. Despite the mammoth strangle-hold of Netflix, it only takes one major epidemic to turn a huge company belly up. (Here's looking at you Kony 2012 forerunner.

# 8 The Apocalypse

As foretold in the texts of old, the day will come when the battle of good and evil will be staged in the realm of Earth. Can we say for certain this isn't about video chains? I don't believe we can. Point to Blockbuster.

So can we expect to see a Blockbuster comeback (if you'll pardon the pun)? Certainly not, but I think its a good idea that we at least prepare ourselves a little.

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