8 Of The Easiest Halloween Costumes
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8 Of The Easiest Halloween Costumes

The quickest costumes for you and your partner in crime.

8 Of The Easiest Halloween Costumes
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It's that time of year again! You and your partner in crime are looking for a quick and easy last-minute costume idea for Halloween. Whether you have three parties in three days or 30 minutes to get yourself ready for the night, here are some simple ideas.

1. Linda and Bob Belcher - "Bob's Burgers"

This costume can be made from things found in your closet, easy peasy. For Linda: wear thick framed glasses, a long sleeved red shirt, jeans, and an apron. If you don't have an apron, a white sheet folded over is a quick and easy substitute. For Bob: Wear a white t-shirt, jeans, and a white apron, easily found at any Halloween store this week. For added emphasis, grow or wear a mustache and carry a grill spatula with you for the night.

2. Leslie Knope and Anne Perkins - "Parks and Recreation"

As the saying goes, "a blond and a brunette are a perfect set!" To pull of this power pairing, the Leslies of the world need to wear a button up, a blazer, and dress pants. You can add a "vote Knope" button to the blazer for clarification if your friends aren't as obsessed with "Parks and Rec" as the rest of the world is. And our Annes out there: grab some scrubs from your nursing friends, throw on a zip up sweatshirt, and bring some snacks.

3. Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

If you're looking for something last minute, here it is. For the peanut butter, wear a tan or brown colored shirt. Jelly, wear purple or red, based on your personal jelly preference. An alternative to wearing only colored shirts, you can buy two larger sized tan t-shirts and paint the fronts with the color of PB and jelly. Whenever someone wants to snap a pic of the costumes, stand belly to belly.

4. King and Queen of Hearts

As you can tell, T-shirts for two is practically my new motto. Grab two white shirts you rarely wear anymore and a red marker. All that needs to be done is writing the letters "K" and "Q", adding the hearts on the middle, and adding crowns and tiaras if you're feeling ambitious. For a cutesy effect, drawing hearts on your cheeks wouldn't hurt either.

5. Ariel and Prince Eric - "The Little Mermaid"

A short and sweet costume for all of my red-headed beauties out there. If your guy has brown hair, it's a double-win! For Ariel: tie up a white sheet like a toga, adding a rope as an accessory, and walk around like you don't know how to use your legs. For Eric: a white button down, dark wash jeans, and some red cloth wrapped around your waist. If you want to go all out, carry around a flute with you or a wooly looking dog.

6. Red Light and A Traffic Cone

While the above couple went all out and made sure that their lights were fully functioning, the concept behind the costume is a simple one. For the light: wear a black shirt and black pants, and tape up colored spots on your shirt in the red-yellow-green order. For the traffic cone: wear a bright orange T-shirt and black pants while taping silver duct tape stripes on yourself.

7. Mickey and Minnie Mouse

The noses might be a bit of an overkill, but the rest of the costume is easier than pie and will make your night magical. Grab two old headbands, and glue up some felt circles. Two black t-shirts, a red skirt, and red pants, and you're set to go. Our Minnies can add white circles to their skirts and our Mickeys can add two yellow circles to their pants to mimic the buttons.

8. Hunter and Fawn

Nothing more classic than a camouflaged boy chasing after a Bambi look-alike. For the hunter: wear a camo T-shirt, easily found at any Wal-Mart in the country, dark jeans, and a baseball hat. For the fawn: wear a brown shirt and leggings, follow a simple fawn make-up tutorial like this one, and add a white loofah as a tail.

Worst case scenario, you stay in and watch Netflix. My current favorite show to binge-watch is "How To Get Away With Murder." If you haven't seen Viola Davis's acceptance speech from the Tony Awards, it's a must-see. Enjoy Halloween and remember that the amnesty policy at the University of Delaware always applies!

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