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7 Ways To Live A More Eco-Friendly Life

Here are some simple ways you can do your part.

7 Ways To Live A More Eco-Friendly Life

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Climate change is a hot topic these days, but many people who talk the talk are failing to actually implement eco-friendly habits into their lifestyles. I'm as guilty as anyone, but I've been researching ways to reduce the harm caused to our planet.

Here are some ways you can help out Mother Nature:

Use a bamboo toothbrush

Pietro Jeng on Pexels

Plastic toothbrushes aren't biodegradable, and the process of creating them requires lots of energy use. Join me in making the switch to a bamboo toothbrush the next time you're due for a replacement!

Carry a reusable coffee cup/water bottle

Gabriel Peter on Pexels

If you haven't already gotten the memo that it isn't cool to use plastic water bottles anymore, now you know. Maybe also consider bringing your own cup to your favorite coffee shops — you can help the planet AND have one less reason to feel guilty about drinking three iced coffees a day.... right?

Walk, bike, or take public transportation

Pixabay on Pexels

I don't know how it is at your school, but at my university, parking is a notorious pain in the @$$. Think about all the time you could save and anxiety you could avoid by taking the bus, biking, or walking. Unless you regularly drive several people, thereby turning your car into a mini form of public transportation, I'd seriously recommend reevaluating whether or not you need a parking pass for just yourself.

Eat less meat

Tobi on Pexels

Honestly, if Mother Nature could talk, she'd probably be begging us all to go vegan at this point (something I can't seem to get myself entirely on board with), but cutting down on your consumption of meat is a step in the right direction!

Drink non-dairy milks on Pexels

Just.. Google the dairy industry's impact on the environment.

Use reusable shopping bags on Pexels

Because as we've established, plastic kinda sucks! But if you do happen to have a ton of plastic bags stocked up, as I do, consider using them as trash bags or finding other ways to reuse them around the house.

Shop at thrift stores and avoid fast fashion

Tembela Bohle on Pexels

There's lots of info you could look up about the trend of fast fashion and why it's an ecologically good idea to avoid partaking in it, but all I really needed to realize in order to become interested in this: stores like American Eagle are charging an arm, leg, and the promise of your firstborn child for items that are hot at the moment, but will soon be replaced by the next big thing. That said if you catch me at one... mind your business. Baby steps, people.

I hope these help kickstart your journey toward living a more eco-friendly life and I wish you the best of luck!

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