Here are some important life lessons my junior year of college taught me.
Be picky
Who you are friends with matters. You chose your friends and you have to make sure you chose wisely. Being friends with people who make bad choices can lead you to bad choices. Surround yourself by people who care about you and make you a better person everyday.
Don't Get Involved
Sometimes it's better to let people figure things out for themselves. If you go around telling people what others have said about them, it doesn't ever end well. Leave it as being none of your business and go on with your day. The minute you try and tell others things to help them, it becomes a "he said, she said" scenario where no one wins.
Second chances? Who is she
I gave way too many people second, third, twenty chances. For what? To get the same results from the same people. If someone harms you in a serious way don't expect them to change with a million second chances. Be strong enough to do what's best for you and say bye to being way too forgiving to the wrong people.
Don't Be An Open Book
Telling everyone everything is never a good idea. People are judgmental and not everyone has your best interest at heart. I learned this the hard way and wouldn't want anyone else to have that experience. Somethings are better kept to yourself or a few selected people that you truly trust.
Focus on Yourself
I had a lot of people last year who would get mad at me if I didn't give them my undivided attention. If I didn't drop everything I was doing to help them, they'd freak out on me. That's not healthy or real friendship. Everyone needs time to focus on themselves and it's not selfish to take an hour or so a day to be alone.