The 7 Stages Of Finals Week. Sincerely, Your Fellow Crippling College Student | The Odyssey Online
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The 7 Stages Of Finals Week. Sincerely, Your Fellow Crippling College Student

Remind me why I'm in college again?

The 7 Stages Of Finals Week. Sincerely, Your Fellow Crippling College Student

Finals week... the seven days of the semester that feel like a lifetime. Those seven days that really test your ability of how long you can stay sane. Those seven days that you just absolutely cannot wait to end so that you could finally be set free from the endless papers, exams, projects, deadlines, horrible professors, all-nighters, and even scrolls through "Rate My Professor."

If you are a crippling college student like yours truly, these stages of finals week will feel way too real:

Stage 1: The Procrastination, or As We Might Call It, "Gradual Preparation"

The time when you really need to start studying but just can't pull yourself to. You'll pick up the books, start from Chapter 1, and halfway through the chapter, you'll be on Buzzfeed Quizzes trying to choose between lavender or vanilla as your favorite scent to find out which decade you belong in. But hey, Buzzfeed Quizzes are on the Psych test, right?

Stage 2: The Mid-(Finals)-Life-Crisis

Everyone knows that feeling when you are studying and trying to focus as hard as you can but random thoughts like, "Why am I here?" "What am I actually doing with my life?" "Is getting a degree really that necessary?" float all over your mind. Everything hits you: GPA, job, career, internships, happiness, family, friends, health, love, life. You can't help but want to give up. It's starting to become a little too much and you just don't know what to do anymore. It gets to the point when you start to contemplate why you never decided to just become the new and improved (and by that I mean much younger and less educated) Walter White.

Stage 3: The Crazy Cramming

It's 1 AM, your test is less than 12 hours away, and here you are, frantically rummaging through every page of the textbook and notes you ever took for this class. Even though you planned this entire unrealistic relaxation time where you would watch "The Office" and take a warm bath the night before your test, you're here biting your nails over how much you need to remember to pass this test. No matter how ready you are, you can't help but have a little (or huge) freak-out session. All you can do is accept your's all in God's hands now!

Stage 4: Showtime

This is it. You're sitting at a desk in a huge lecture hall with your set of six #2 pencils, three mechanical pencils, three blue pens, three black pens, and a new, unused eraser because you tell yourself that you will absolutely need all of these things (struggles of having trust issues). Anxious gulps are trickling down your throat, your hands are shaking like there's no tomorrow, and your bladder is out of control. You either studied your butt off or have absolutely no clue what in the world you learned this semester. Either way, it's showtime.

Stage 5: The False Hope

That moment when the exams are over and you know you took that "L", but you are telling yourself you nailed it. "Fake it 'til you make it" has never been so relatable.

Stage 6: The Final Freedom

You walked out of that exam room with a sudden invisible slap of wind in your face giving you the secret signal: it's over, you're donebaby! D-O-N-E, DONE! You can finally have wild summer nights in the city, meet up with friends that you haven't seen in foreevvveerrr, go to concerts and parties without having to worry about submitting any assignments, experience endless hours of Netflix and Chill, and most importantly, catch up with the one you have missed oh so dearly: your bed.

That moment when you realize you are officially done with the semester:

Stage 7: The Moment of Truth

The grades are out, your GPA is calculated, and you can finally live in true post-finals peace. No matter what happens, appreciate your hard work and learn from your mistakes!

Whether you pass your classes and get that GPA or failed a class or two, hate your major, or can't do college anymore, it's okay! You will succeed in whatever you plan to do with your life. Good luck with finals and don't worry! YOU GOT THIS!

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