7 Reasons You Should Dream BIG [Revisited]
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7 Reasons You Should Dream BIG [Revisited]

Life without limits.

7 Reasons You Should Dream BIG [Revisited]

Life without limits.

Dreams | Inventions



...You know that thing in your pocket that, if you're like me, you're morbidly addicted to? That thing that allows for an instantaneous global connection? Your smart phone, though a variant of its predecessor, was once just a thought in some old dude's head. Isn't that crazy? AGB invented the telephone, not the smart phone, but you get the idea. He laid out the blueprint for an integral communications device. Can you imagine not having a phone in today's society? In 1870, the concept of a phone was just some neurological sparks coursing through a random person's brain.

Life Is Finite

Steve Jobs said it best. "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life." That, my friend, is a straight up truth bomb. Life is relatively short, so shouldn't you dream big? Isn't the life of your dreams all you've ever wanted in the first place?

worldWithDreamers > worldWithoutDreamers



Think of how boring life would be without music, art, sport, science, and education. Famous musicians are famous because they dream big. Famous artists are studied and renowned because they dream big. Sports stars perform at an unbelievable level of athleticism because they dream big. Scientists can blast a rocket into space and land it on the moon with precision because they dream big. Intellects revolutionize the world with ground-breaking thoughts because they dream big. "Whether you think you can, or think you can't – you're right."

Dreams As A Means

Harry Potter


The process of creation is amazing. Taking something intangible and manifesting it into the physical world is pretty much magic if you ask me. That being said, you can remove yourself from some pretty awful situations with the right magic. For example, J.K Rowling was dealing with the death of her mother, a miscarriage followed by a divorce, unemployment, destitution, and the contemplation of suicide- all while writing the world-wide phenomenon, Harry Potter. Rejected countless times, she could have raised the white flag, but she saw her dream through. She went on to achieve billionaire status and is worth around 650 million today.

Dreamers Are Smarter



And last time I checked, intelligence is a good thing. The study here is more focused on literal dreams, lucid dreaming, and metacognition, but it loosely relates to what I've been talking about. Dreams during sleep seem like a series of random, nonsensical thoughts for a lot of people. But apparently for others, it's a whole different story.

Living And Posthumous Proof



If all of the above is not doing it for you, here's a tiny survey of dreamers we've learned about, coexisted with, and coexist with. Think of the art and culture, concepts, and technologies that have emerged from radical thinking.



Mark Zuckerberg

Dr. Martin Luther King

Mary Shelley

John Lennon




Elanor Roosevelt

Walt Disney

Elon Musk

Harriet Tubman

Waldo Emerson


Michael Jordan

Steve Jobs

The Wright Brothers

Benjamin Franklin

Leonardo Da Vinci

Amelia Earhart

Venus & Serena Williams

Susan B. Anthony

Joan of Arc

Helen Keller

Mother Theresa

It’s Healthy



"We all think, of course, but not all of us do so deliberately and without distractions and guilt. There is immense value in leaving time for that." Unplug for a while and just think. Use your imagination. Get lost in something amazing. I know, it's hard to stop and take a break in today's go-go-go, technology-based society, but I implore you- take the time to get lost in a dream once in a while.

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