6 Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Rethink Everything
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6 Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Rethink Everything

Trust no one and nothing.

6 Conspiracy Theories That Will Make You Rethink Everything

I'm not exactly sure why, but I have become infatuated with conspiracy theories. After hearing about various different theories, I was absolutely hooked. This lead me into the deepest depths of the Internet and watching countless Youtube conspiracy theory videos. For the most part, I don't really believe any of them, but at the same time, a small piece of me thinks that maybe there is some truth to these bizarre theories. Regardless of these theories being correct or not, it's still fun to think about these situations being real, and there is absolutely no doubt that these theories are extremely interesting. Maybe the world we think we know isn't what we believe it to be after all -- stranger things have happened.

1. Airlines don't want you to survive a plane crash.

No, you did not read that wrong. There is a theory that airlines do not want passengers to survive a plane crash, and this is because if you do survive you can sue the airline, and most likely win. Obviously airlines don't want a lawsuit on their hands -- who does? So, in order to avoid a crash survivor from suing, they have come up with a way to ensure you die, and die instantly and painlessly at that. Before takeoff, you either watch a safety video or a flight attendant walks you through want to do in the event of an emergency. It is widely known that in the event of a plane crash, you are supposed to get into the "brace" position, as shown in the above image. While the airlines tell you that this is the position that is most likely to save your life, conspiracy theorists believe otherwise. It is believed that the "brace" position is a sure fire way to end your life instead of save it. The theory is that if you are in this position on impact, your head will smash into the seat in front of you and instantly break your neck. Not only that, but this position ensures that your teeth will remain intact, so your body can be identified (very morbid, I know). People claim that if you watch the flight attendants in the event of a crash, they don't get into the "brace" position, but rather sit down with their legs up and push against the seat in front of them. It is believed that they do this because on impact the only thing that will happen to them is that they will break their legs and survive the crash (also very morbid, and also extremely painful).

As interesting as this theory is, the MythBusters have busted this myth/theory. But then again, maybe airlines used MythBusters to hide the truth from the public? I'm just kidding (but seriously, who/what can you really trust anymore?).

2. Taylor Swift is a relative/clone of the founding family of Satanism.

Personally, I really do not like Taylor Swift (please don't kill me, Swifties). When her latest album came out, I was briefly on the Taylor Swift train, but then with the help of friend and family I re-gained my sanity. So, when I stumbled upon this theory, I said to myself "honestly, I wouldn't be surprised." The clone aspect of this theory is too out there for me, because I'm pretty sure cloning hasn't gone past animals -- but then again, maybe there are human clones and the government is hiding them (there are countless celebrity clone theories).

So here is some background on how/why it is thought that Taylor Swift has ties to Satanism:

This is Anton LaVey, the founder of the Church of Satan. In 1963, LaVey had a daughter named Zeena.

Zeena became the High Priestess of the church in 1985. Now there is no proof, or public knowledge, but it is believed that Zeena cloned herself and that clone grew up to be Taylor Swift, or that Taylor Swift is a relative of the LaVey's, but doesn't discuss her involvement with the church (for obvious reasons). It cannot be argued that there isn't an uncanny resemblance between Swift and LaVey though. They look like twins.

Here they are side by side for good measure. It is also believed that Swift puts hidden messages promoting the church and Satanism in her songs to convert people. This isn't a new theory though, the theory of the devil having hidden messages in artists' music has been around for decades. The resemblance between Swift and LaVey is just so mind blowing though that it is somewhat easy to believe that maybe there is some relation there -- especially with how shady and calculated of a person Swift is (not to mention she is also suspected to be a member of 4chan, but that's an entirely different theory, but also not impossible because there are just one too many coincidences and things that line up with regards to this particular theory). Will we ever know the truth? Probably not.

Side note: I am absolutely terrified to be mentioning 4chan. I don't believe in Satan or anything like that (I know that seems bizarre because I'm talking about clones and other crazy sh*t), but 4chan is just an entirely different, terrifying, and very real entity.

3. Rebecca Black's "Friday" is about J.F.K.'s assassination.

I'm pretty sure every millennial knows Rebecca Black's infamous song "Friday," but if you don't, then go give it a listen! Now, "Friday" is already a pretty haunting song on its own, but the fact that conspiracy theorists believe that it could really be about J.F.K.'s assassination is even more haunting.

In case you didn't know, J.F.K. was assassinated on a Friday. Yes, this is a coincidence at best, but further analyzation of the lyrics show that maybe "Friday" really does have a deeper meaning, as absurd as that may sound. Do you remember what Rebecca eats for breakfast in "Friday?" A bowl of cereal. On the day of J.F.K.'s assassination, J.F.K declined the sausage, eggs, and toast he was offered for breakfast and ate a bowl of cereal instead. The next thing Rebecca does is go to catch her bus. The Monday following J.F.K.'s assassination, he was supposed to sign a bill that would require all public schools to have transportation for students. Back to "Friday" though, Rebecca isn't able to take the bus because her friends end up coming to pick her up. When her friends arrive Rebecca sings "kickin' in the front seat." Do you know the name of the driver of the car J.F.K. was assassinated in? Samuel Kickin. Next comes the infamously irritating chorus of "Friday" in which Black sings "got to get down on Friday." When J.F.K. was shot, secret service started yelling at Jackie Kennedy to "get down, get down!"

Is "Friday" really about J.F.K.'s assassination? Probably not. Black didn't write the song though, so maybe the songwriters really did have some sort of weird message behind the lyrics. It's pretty unlikely, but nonetheless kind of eerie, and definitely interesting.

4. The Denver International Airport is Hell.

I know what you're probably thinking: "All airports are hell." True. But the Denver International Airport is believed to be literal Hell.

To start things off, the runways appear to form a swastika from a bird's eye view.

Not only that, but there are other Nazi/Holocaust related things in the airport. There is a mural of a Nazi-like soldier, and there's even a quote from a child who died in Auschwitz:

There are various creepy murals and pieces of artwork inside of the DIA, but outside you will find two relatively unsettling statues:

There is Anubis, the actual Egyptian God of The Dead.

There is also this giant statue of a mustang with glowing eyes, which actually fell on top of the sculptor and crushed him to death in his studio.

The artwork at the airport isn't the only thing that gives people the impression that the airport is Hell. People claim that there are corridors that lead to nowhere, and hallways where the arrows directing them point towards each other. Some people say that once you're in there it is almost impossible to find an exit, and one second a security checkpoint will be there and the next you can look over your shoulder and it'll be gone. A significant amount of people that have been there say that they felt very uneasy when they were inside, and they feel as if they are being watched and something is breathing down their neck. People definitely feel like there is some sort of "presence" or unusual and "suspicious" activity going on at the DIA.

I don't know what the hell (no pun intended) is going on at the DIA. Obviously people get in and out of there safely, otherwise the airport probably would've been shut down. Even so, it still seems extremely creepy (with a very questionable interior decorator). All I know is, I'm never going there!

5. Britney Spears hasn't been the one singing on her albums since 2007.

2007 was the year of Britney Spears' infamous public meltdown. It was also the year that she released her album "Blackout." To a lot of people, this doesn't really make sense considering Spears was saying crazy sh*t, shaving her head, and going completely off the rails -- yet she was able to make such an incredible album in the midst of it all? Well conspiracy theorists say otherwise.

Britney Spears has a backup singer named Myah Marie, who is believed to be the one singing for Spears. In an interview with Star magazine, Marie's father said that she can make herself sound just like Britney: "My daughter sings for Britney Spears. The truth is, Myah can sound just like her. She has a knack. Maybe Britney doesn’t know whose voice is on her album and it doesn’t even interest her. Maybe she just comes in, lays down the track and leaves, and doesn’t care." Myah has denied this claim, as has Britney and her team -- but people are still convinced that it is Myah that has been singing for Britney, at least on the "Blackout" album, and some other songs throughout the years, such as several tracks on "Britney Jean."

This is a demo of an unreleased Britney Spears song, that is supposedly really Myah Marie singing. It sounds exactly like Spears, but almost a little too much. Youtuber Shane Dawson made a video in which he discussed this theory, and he said that it sounds a little "too Britney," in that it sounds just like Spears, but is exaggerated to some extent -- like a really good Britney impersonator.

It is believed that Myah Marie is the one singing on the "Blackout" album because the record label really needed Britney to put out another album, but she was obviously non-compliant at the time, so they resorted to a Britney sound-alike. It is also suspected that putting out this album was part of the damage control to get Spears' career back on track. A lot of people notice that Britney doesn't really like to talk about "Blackout," and kind of pretends like it never happened -- which could be due to the fact that for her, it truly never happened. Once again, we will probably never know the truth, but anything is possible, and it wouldn't be the first time Spears has been called out for not really singing her own songs.

6. Bill Nye is an actor used to push the government's agenda.

If this is true, it doesn't seem like that big of a deal -- but it is kind heartbreaking for so many kids out there to find out Bill Nye is just a government pawn. Nye has a B.S. in mechanical engineering from Cornell University, so he isn't just an actor without any knowledge of science by any means, but his career is classified as an "entertainer" -- not a scientist. Nye is as much of a scientist as Kanye West is a doctor -- both have honorary degrees, but are technically not a scientist or a doctor.

"Nye got his start in comedy after winning a Steve Martin look-alike contest, and went on to work as an engineer by day and a stand-up comic by night. He eventually quit his day job and became a comedy writer and performer on the show Almost Live. It was there that he earned the nickname 'The Science Guy.'" However, Nye has become such a "reputable" scientific source for so many people (mainly the kids that grew up with him), that he is starting to take on the role of an actual scientist, consulting on issues like global warming and the debate of creation vs. evolution. Nye did start out as "Bill Nye the Science Guy" on Disney Channel after all, and Disney is already the epitome of conspiracy theories/f*cked up sh*t. Because of this, it is believed that the government is using him to get across their message -- be it the issue of global warming, gun control, or other important social issues. If this is true, it wouldn't be the worst thing, and it is pretty smart.

If it wasn't for Bill Nye, my 6th and 7th grade science teacher would've actually had to do his own teaching. Nye probably has a fairly significant influence on the kids who grew up with him, and if they're going to listen to anybody about important issues, then it would be logical to think it would be him. If it is going to take Bill Nye saying "go out and vote," to convince millennials to actually go to the polls and vote, then I'm all for this theory being true. If it ever gets to the point where Bill Nye is being used to brainwash us though, then we have a problem.

Well, I hope you're sufficiently creeped out and completely re-evaluating everything you thought you knew to be true. This barely scratches the surface of conspiracy theories, so I encourage you to go read about other ones (be warned: they're addictive). Do you know of any interesting conspiracy theories or have any of your own? If so, leave them in the comments!

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