6 Things Sex Ed Never Taught You | The Odyssey Online
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6 Things Sex Ed Never Taught You

Sex education in America needs some help.

6 Things Sex Ed Never Taught You

This past year, I volunteered at a women's health clinic. While working there I learned so many things that I never learned in sex ed. I realized how many gaps there are in the education systems regarding sex and reproduction. Most sex ed curriculums don't even have to be medically accurate. These are some of the things I learned in my first week of working there.

1. Not all birth control is created equal.

Your version of birth control should be what is right for you and your partner(s). One size does not fit all—metaphorically and physically. A woman that uses the implant would not be right for someone that may try to get pregnant in the near future.

For a look at different types of birth control for you check out the comparison tool from Bedsider.

2. Planned Parenthood is not just for abortions.

It is a reproductive clinic that supplies birth control, family planning options, resources for prenatal care, and not all serve abortions. Many people see the media involving legislation and hate crimes toward Planned Parenthood, but many don't know that the clinic does much more than that.

3. People get very uncomfortable when you ask them about supplying condoms in their stores.

I tried to start a condom route throughout our town so that condom distribution would be much easier. The main problem was that people freak out when you talk about sex, or preventing diseases or even just some free samples.

4. You should get tested for STDs after each partner.

This seems obvious to some people, but others only assume that they should be tested every 6 months. Getting tested after each different partner ensures that you do not contract any STDs nor do you transmit any

5. Preventative health care is much cheaper than restorative health care.

Regular pap smears and breast exams regularly save lives. The earlier that you catch an issue with your body, the easier it is to treat.

6. Certain STDs require the clinics to notify the government and follow up on treatment.

Because many STDs are considered contagious they are treated as public health concerns. The public health department reports these numbers and some follow up on the treatment of these infections.

7. There is such a thing as protected oral sex.

Dental dams are small pieces of plastic that protect against oral sex for women. Men can still wear condoms when receiving oral sex. No one told me that in sex ed. They just said don't have sex or you will get STDs and die.
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