Overthinking is the art of creating problems that aren't even there.
It's such a common thing everyone does and a natural human trait. However, if you're an extreme over thinker, like myself, I think you'll be able to relate to the following.
1. Feeling bad over the smallest things.
Whether it's accidentally bumping into someone or pushing something over, in the moment, some of us over thinker's will feel extreme remorse over it. So when we apologize and say sorry repeatedly, we truly mean it!
2. Coming up or replaying scenarios in your head over and over again.
I feel like everyone can relate to this one on a spiritual level. It's normal for over thinker's to replay conversations or encounters with people and have constant wonder of what could've or should've been said or done, if it was the right or wrong thing, and so on.
3. Constantly worrying and stressing.
Everyone who knows me, characterizes me as that person who constantly worries and stresses — most of the time, for no reason at all! However, as an over thinker, it's hard not to worry, especially with all of these thoughts constantly flowing in. Overthinking leads to worrying and worrying leads to stress and anxiety — it's a never ending cycle.
4. Being indecisive.
It takes me literally years to finally come to terms with a decision. Every time I have to decide something for myself, I'm always coming and going with my decision and never know what I truly want! Just the simple task of trying to decide what to wear is the most hardest decision for me — imagine what it was like trying to make a decision for college! While trying to make a decision, us over thinker's think of every possibility there is and then overthinking those possibilities afterwards! Again, it's a never ending cycle.
5. Dwelling.
Dwelling kinda relates to replaying scenarios in your head. Sometimes I'll dwell over things that have happened weeks, months, or even years ago, trying to think what could've or should've have been done. It's hard for over thinker's to let go and move forward sometimes!
6. Thinking way beyond your mind's realm.
Basically those moments lying in bed at 2 am, having deep, existential thoughts and wondering if this is even real life — except, that's me every minute, of everyday.