6 Things To Know About Being A Musical Theater Major
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6 Things To Know About Being A Musical Theater Major

Here are a view things I have learned as invaluable in my first year in my musical theater program.

6 Things To Know About Being A Musical Theater Major
Casey Filiaci

Lately one of my friends has been talking with me about the possibility of becoming a musical theater major. After some of our conversations, it got me thinking. Do people really know what being a musical theater major is? I certainly didn't when I changed my major to it halfway through first semester. So with the help of some of my other theater friends I have compiled a list of six things I think everyone should know or do to be a musical theater major. You can also apply this to Theatre Majors in some cases as well.

1. Broadway is not as simple as following the yellow brick road. - Phillip

Broadway can be considered the ultimate goal for anyone interested in musical theater, including myself. The road to Broadway is tough and slight mistake could set you back for years. In the professional world you can be fired in an instant simply for being late, because that is a huge thing for a show. Even if Broadway isn't your goal, know that you have to genuinely work hard to get to where you want to go. Ways to help you on your own road to are to be on time, be respectful to those you work around, and to not complain about your role in a production.

2. Music + theater = musical theater. Right?

Musical theater is so much more than going and learning all different kinds of musicals and putting on a show. For me, I have dance classes I take along with voice and acting lessons. Along with those I am in vocal ensembles and classes that teach me about not only what to do on stage, but what goes behind on stage. After all of those classes I would go to rehearsal for the show I was doing at the time. Then in my free time I am learning lines or practicing songs on my own time. Musical theater is a lot of work and guess what?

3. You are going to be busy!

With all those hours you aren't going to have a lot of free time outside of theatre. Sometimes your relationships with other outside of theatre will get strained, but if you really want those people in your life you can make it work. A lot of the friends I had in the beginning of the year, i wasn't as close to by the end because of how demanding theatre was. But in the end i made even better friends not only in the theatre but outside of it who understand the demanding schedule a musical theatre major has. You can make the schedule work, you just have to try.

4. Read! Read lots of plays! Stay updated! - Karly

You don't only have to read the scripts of the plays or musicals you are in. Taking the time to constantly looking for new plays to read or study helps an individual so much in their growth as an actor and it is truly invaluable. And while we may not like it, it is a good thing to stay on top of social issues and politics of today. Keep up with music styles and even jamming out to the radio is a good thing. They might be little things individually, but together they help you as you head towards being a well rounded actor.

5. Expand your knowledge of the theater. - Amanda and Karly

Acting is not the only aspect of theatre in the world. It also isn't the only thing you should explore when you are in college for your degree. You have four years to learn about all of these different fields of theater with individuals to guide you, it is the perfect time to explore. Learn how to do different designs like lighting and sound. Design your own set. Be the stage manager or even the director! You have so many options in theatre and to not explore them would make you miss something great. This year I was an assistant stage manager for the show and now I appreciate the jobs behind the scenes so much more. The work that is put into shows is astounding, but if you only look through one lens then you are missing out. This could even benefit you professionally. Lots of professionals are looking for well rounded individuals in theatre and if they look in your resume and see backstage work along with acting, you could stick out to them. Considering there are thousands of others trying to succeed in the same profession, standing out can be a big deal.

6. Stay healthy.

Why finish off with this? Because your health is so important. When you have the busy schedule of any theatre major sometimes health can slip through the cracks. Make sure you take into consideration your needs to maintain your health. In theatre your body and your voice are your instruments and to damage them is the worst thing. If you know you aren't going to be able to eat a full meal in a while pack some snacks with you to hold you off. Drink plenty of water instead of soda. If you need to take it easy, take it easy! I'm not saying skip your responsibilities or work, but your health should be your number one priority. Taking it easy one day is better than having to take a week to get better.

+1 thing about musical theater: You are going to have fun.

I would not trade my experiences for anything. I have made friends that not only are supportive of me, they help me improve in my craft and I help them in theirs. I've gotten to work with costumes, the set, and am now trying to become a student director by senior year. I have already done things I never thought I would do and now I am ready to tackle more challenges in the three remaining years I have. The road might be bumpy down the line, but if you are interested in being a musical theater major i say go for it. You might end up liking the road after all.

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