6 Things That Forsaken Could've Done Better
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6 Things That Forsaken Could've Done Better

Forsaken is great but it could've done better

6 Things That Forsaken Could've Done Better

Back before Destiny 2: Forsaken launched I wrote about how I was worried about it. I made several predictions about what would come with the game. Some were right and some were, comically wrong. Now that the game has come and gone and was great, lets look back at what Forsaken did get wrong.

1. Variks didn't come back... sorta


Back in my first article I was worried that my favorite Fallen wouldn't grace us wit his presence. I was right to think that... sorta. Variks didn't make a return but he does have a whole lore book to himself. Its one step forward and one step back. I guess his lore book is better than nothing but I still would've liked to see the old warden.

2. Bows are a novelty

Bows were first introduced in Forsaken and people were very excited for them. I was worried that bows wouldn't be worth using because they would be bad or too hard to use. Fortunately they aren't too hard to use and can really make you feel like Hawkeye when using them. Unfortunately, they aren't able to compete with existing weapon types. Hopefully future updates will make them better but they are good little side distraction.

3. Matchmaking is a nightmare

Destiny has always had a complicated relationship with matchmaking. Iron Banner is as laggy as ever. Competitive is the biggest issue as of the time of writing. There have been several documented incidents of 5500 glory guardians getting matched up with ~1000 glory guardians. Recently there was a case of a level 7 guardian getting put on a team of 5400+glory players. Not 7 glory points, XP level 7, like not even finished the base campaign.

4. Gambit is in a tricky placeĀ 

Gambit looked so promising before release. Collecting motes, banking them, invading the enemy, all of that sounded great and looked like fun. It was fun for awhile, till someone used Sleeper while invading. That's when it all started going downhill. Snipers and linear fusion rifles have since dominated the invading side of the game mode. They made Sleeper harder to use but The Queensbreaker and The Crooked Fang took its place. The Ascendant Primeval is also another hot point. The "Meatball" is the source of a lot of frustrations of players seeking out that Dredgen title. Speaking of titles...

5. Titles are a sore spot

The titles were thought to be an awesome addition to the game, recognizing the hardcore players. However, that fell at the first hurdle. The Rivensbane title won't be available till January due to a bug. The Wayfarer title is stuck behind the awful process of getting the Braytech weapons. Chronicler is going to take forever because of the Truth to Power book. Finally Dredgen and Cursebreaker are trapped behind horrible RNG. Speaking of RNG...

The game has terrible RNG

RNG has always been a part of this game and it likely always will be. Rewards are RNG based. Well the RNG implemented is terrible. Many of the titles have at least one layer of it, two if you look at Dredgen. Exotics, the pinnacle of the rarity scale, are basically nonexistent for a large chunk of the player base.

RNG is ok if done well. To anyone who has played the game, they can tell that Bungie over corrected the RNG side. This RNG does not respect the player's time. It showers some players constantly while at the same time beating other players with the same crappy gun time and time again (12 Thin Lines in a row).

Forsaken is great in many ways, but it also has its issues. It's not "disappointing" as Activision calls it, but It isn't game of the year quality either.

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