Camp Fuego, established 1998
"We truly want to make camp available to every kid, no matter his or her family's financial situation. Rich or poor, kids should have the opportunity to get away from the craziness of earth and clearly hear of the saving Grace of Jesus Christ. We strive to provide that opportunity with the highest levels of quality at the lowest possible cost. That's it."
Ever since I was 14, I've been lucky enough to go Camp Fuego. Camp Fuego translates to Camp Fire and that's how everyone feels when they leave either Eunice or Bethany, Louisiana--on fire for Christ. It is definitely the best camp that I've ever been to, and I've been to several throughout my teenage years. After five years of being a camper, I was hired as a staffer and just finished my second year staffing. Here are six reasons why I love Camp Fuego:
1. Scripture is broken down where everyone can understand.
Whether you are 12 or 18 or 60, scripture is put into understandable terms. This summer, John 3:16 was our theme verse. At first, I thought I couldn't possibly get anything more out of John 3:16 than I already knew, but I was definitely wrong. I learned so much in two weeks about the verse that was stuck in my head because of a VBS song than I had understood in 20 years. God definitely speaks through the pastors that visit our camps, and He speaks to all ages!
2. Some people say that they didn't know you could have this much fun at church camp.
Guys, Fuego really is a blast. Whether it's Decades Night, Paint Wars, Snowball Fight, Lip Sync Battle or any of the rec activities, there is always something fun happening. Going to Camp Fuego is about leaving the real world where you are constantly surrounded by hardship and so much sinful nature, and you get to have a week long party with a bunch of God's children! Can it get any cooler?
3. You get to meet and hang out with so many people who share your love with Jesus.
Being out in the real world, it's usually pretty hard to tell who is a Christian and who isn't, unless they are very vocal about their beliefs. At Fuego, not every single person is a Christian, but they all have a desire to learn more about the Gospel and Christ's love for us. You know that you have at least 400 people around you that will always have your back and do their best to hold you accountable for your actions.
4. One word: worship.
Again, I've been to several different camps and I can say this is the greatest worship service I've ever experienced. I love hearing scripture and everything, but I honestly feel God the most whenever I'm singing, or when I hear others singing around me. Whether it's newer worship songs or old hymns sped up (my personal favorite), the music definitely gets me in my feelings and opens my heart to what God is saying to me.
5. The staff is down to earth and easy to get along with.
This is probably somewhat biased because I happen to be on staff, but the staffers at Fuego are some of the greatest people I've ever had the opportunity to meet. My first week staffing, everyone else made me feel so welcome. I was so nervous about teaching relatively large groups of middle and high schoolers, but they made me feel like we had known each other for years and that I could do it because He equipped me. Also, all of the staffers are volunteers, so we might sacrifice eight weeks of our summers to eat camp food, get attacked by mosquitoes and come down with an unfortunate upper respiratory infection (#fuegofunk, am I right?). But we do it because we love all of the campers and getting the opportunity to add to the Kingdom.
6. It's one of the greatest families you could ever be blessed with.
There aren't many people I love more than my Fuego Fam. Every week, I meet 400 new people and by the time I leave, I feel like I know every single one of them. There might be differing political viewpoints, races and backgrounds, but we have one thing in common--we all were fortunate enough to get closer to Jesus at Camp Fuego.
For God so loved the world, He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.