5. He helps you be a little taller and stronger than usual | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons A Girl Needs Her Dad

With Father's Day quickly approaching, it's important that we remember all of the wonderful things that our dads do for us.

6 Reasons A Girl Needs Her Dad
Emily Farrell

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A dad is one of the most important people in his daughter's life. He is the one who teaches her how to drive, how to be tough when it matters, and most importantly, gives her a standard of how every other man in her life should treat her. While mothers are great for nurturing and caring for you, a dad can do all of that and then take you into the garage and teach you how to use power tools or swing a baseball bat. While there's a million reasons a girl needs her dad, here's just a few that I can think of that mean the most to me.

1. He teaches her how to play sports


I was always an active kid, and even though I wasn't always the best on the team, my father was the first one to volunteer to practice with me in the backyard or coach the team. I can't even count the hours that my dad and I have spent on a sports field, and even now that I'm grown I know I've always got someone to go for a run with me or teach me a new skill.

2. He teaches her to drive


My dad was the first one to let me behind the wheel of his car, and even though I could have crashed it at any moment (and trust me, I almost did), he had unwavering faith that I would be okay. Even when I wanted to quit, he was determined to get me to park between those orange cones by the time that I turned 17.

3. He lets you get away with things


Mom never really budged on the rules when we were kids, but dad was always sneaking us an extra piece of chocolate or taking us to the ice cream parlor before dinner. If moms were made to keep kids in line and make the rules, then dads are the ones who teach kids to have fun and break them.

4. He teaches you how to build stuff

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Since I don't have any brothers to help my dad with the yard work or go on Home Depot runs, I'm the one who helps my dad with the projects he does around our house. He's always eager to teach me how to use a hammer or how to differentiate a high quality piece of furniture from one that is going to fall apart. Most of all, he's shown me that I'm able to do the same work that any man can do!

5. He helps you be a little taller and stronger than usual


There's some things that just seem impossible when you're a kid. Whether it's a toy that is too high to reach or a jar or food that is too hard to open, a dad doesn't just get it for you, he helps you to be able to do it yourself. Even if you never become that tall or strong, you're able to feel what it would be like if you were.

6. He shows you how a man should treat you


A dad teaches you how to slow dance, supports you at all of your events, and shows you the type of love that you deserve to receive. Whether it is watching the way that he loves your mom, or watching the way he treats you, having a loving dad teaches you how to love and respect yourself!

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