58 Weird Things That UC Davis Students Know To Be True
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58 Weird Things That UC Davis Students Know To Be True

You know you're an Aggie when...

58 Weird Things That UC Davis Students Know To Be True

Going to college is like entering a new world, where it's socially acceptable to party on weeknights, skip classes, and remain overly caffeinated 24/7. However, us Aggies know a few things to be true, and there are definitely some quirky things about us that set us apart from other schools!

You know you're an Aggie when...

1. You use Aggie Cash like it's monopoly money.

2. You treat your bike like it's your car.

3. You feel like you're in another country when you go to downtown.

4. You take pictures with the Egg Heads like you're on a never-ending scavenger hunt.

5. You check Smartsite more than you check your Twitter feed.

6. Your motto: Work hard, play harder.

7. You overuse campus snap chat filters

8. You take way to many pictures of leaves

9. You use your Finsta like it's a public diary

10. You and your friends plan weekend trips to San Fran that never even happen.

11. You have become conditioned to sleeping through anything (trains, sirens, bike theft, you name it).

12. You have a regular Uber driver (shout out to Steven).

13. You understand that succumbing to the Freshman Stripe is inevitable during winter quarter.

14. You only go to pointless, annoying intro classes for the midterms –challenge accepted.

15. You feel like you're on vacation when you go to the Arboretum.

16. You only go to the Arboretum for the photo op.

17. You only go anywhere for the photo op.

18. You rely on VSCO cam more than anything.

19. You excessively buy laptop decals.

20. You never miss an opportunity to take a selfie with a cow.

21. You eat In-N-Out at least twice a week.

22. You have a stamp card for Old Tea House that you guard with your life.

23. You wear Ugg slippers out in public more frequently than you wear regular shoes.

24. You spend approximately five hours every day questioning how you ever got into this school and how you're ever going to graduate.

25. You use midterms as an excuse not to go out.

26. You value Picnic Day more than Christmas.

27. You see 34,339,843 advertisements every day for the Humans vs Zombies club that you actually consider going to.

28. You show up at the DC more often than not after having a little too much fun with ... plants.

29. Don't even try to deny that you feel like Beyonce every time you bike through a roundabout without crashing.

30. You have gotten lost in the Death Star more times than you're comfortable admitting to.

31. You still call your parents with laundry-related inquiries.

32. You start stressing about housing for the following year the second week of fall quarter.

33. You are a registered member of Study Blue and Course Hero.

34. You praise Carne Asada fries from El Burrito as being food from the g-ds.

35. When you go home for the holidays:

36. You abuse the luxury that is Safe Ride.

37. You welcome stray cats into your home and treat them like they're your first-born child.

38. You contemplate majoring in procrastination because your ability to start studying for everything last minute and still get decent grades should be celebrated.

39. You secretly look forward to Finals' Week because $1 Dutch Bros is everything.

40. You consider tabeling for your club at the MU to be sacred time for exploring Spotify and editing essays.

41. You know that the rumors about the whole campus smelling like cows is only half true.

42. Okay maybe it's extremely true but the cows are adorable and we love them!

43. You don't even flinch when you're trying to study and hear the Marching Band practice their latest rendition of "Worth It" outside the ARC. Super casual.

44. You have tried to hide in the DC after dinner to avoid swiping in again for late night.

45. You are fully aware that this is what has become of your life (and you're kind of okay with it):

46. You brag to your friends at other schools that you can take classes like "Intro To Winemaking" and "Edible Mushroom Cultivation."

47. You get 594 emails a day from clubs you signed up for during Welcome Week.

48. You steal cookies from late night. Those delicacies are worth every swipe.

49. You get excited and amped up when trying to show off your mad biking skills to seemingly uninterested tour groups.

50. You own shirts from the Aggie Pack and the Tech Hub.

51. When you're drunk at a party and only have one thing on your mind:

52. You engage in conversations on the bathroom walls. Don't even pretend that you don't.

53. You know that trying to find a quiet study room during midterm season is like trying to find a safe place to sleep in The Hunger Games.

54. GEs...


vs. Reality:

55. You spend the majority of your day at the CoHo.

56. You live for wine nights, afternoon naps, and Netflix marathons.

57. You upon realizing that you failed your calc midterm:

58. You may complain about the long wait times at Mikunis and the inconvenient locations in which your TAs choose to hold office hours, but at the end of the day, you're proud to be an Aggie.

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