52 Completely Honest And Accurate Thoughts We All Had While Watching The High School Musical Reunion
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52 Completely Honest And Accurate Thoughts We All Had While Watching The High School Musical Reunion

All of the thoughts I had after re-watching High School Musical after ten years.

52 Completely Honest And Accurate Thoughts We All Had While Watching The High School Musical Reunion

Ten years ago, Disney Channel blew teens away with the phenomenon of High School Musical. Now, Disney has gifted us once again by reunited the cast, minus Zac Efron, and replaying the memorable film. Here are 52 of my thoughts while re-watching the movie and getting to see the cast again.

1. Okay, so the movie is going to play. So where's the cast?

2. See, I've been to karaoke several times and this has yet to happen to me.

3. How come everyone at the New Year's Eve party is wearing weird hats?

4. I wonder if the MC at this karaoke night made his family watch this special.

5. The most realistic moment of this entire movie is that Troy gets Gabriella's number and doesn't call her.

6. I like how everyone is in school colors except for Troy, nice symbolism Disney Channel.

7. Oh, here's the cast! On commercial breaks.

8. Everyone is talking about Zac Efron's absence, but the real question is where is Drew Seeley?

9. Coach Bolton is actually the star of High School Musical.

10. "My friends don't really know about the singing thing." But I'll do an entire dance number with them, inconspicuously.

11. Did the basketball team really need to change into uniforms for a practice that lasted 2 minutes and 28 seconds?

12. How is it allowed that Sharpay and Ryan play love interests?


14. Pretty sure Sharpay's wardrobe was purchased entirely from Limited Too.

15. How is nobody impressed by the fact that Kelsey wrote and composed an entire musical?

16. Literally this High School is the nicest place I've ever seen.

17. "I bake" means something a lot different in 2016.

18. How is Martha not more insulted that the red headed kid asked her if it was "even legal" for her to dance?

19. How has the skater kid made it this far in life without knowing what a cello is?

20. So like, Zeke just knew he was going to confess his baking today so he prepared creme brulee to carry around? That's believable.

21. Ms. Darbus, how did you literally miss all of that?

22. Why is Chad wearing three watches?

23. "So now that we've shown you the boy you like doesn't really like you, will you join our friend group?"

24. What high school has giant posters of their basketball team casually placed around the halls?

25. I'm just going to say that there is zero chance that Ms. Darbus would be allowed to walk through the boys locker room.

26. Man, Coach Bolton slays.

27. Well now I know why Troy's family has money trouble in the second movie, their house is giant!

28. So if Corbin received his uniform in person, did they mail Zac his?


30. Wait, that's it? The cast is leaving? TROY AND GABRIELLA HAVE NOT EVEN GOTTEN BACK TOGETHER YET.

31. "Hi, I know you're mad at me so let me just scale your window and pop up on your porch."

32. In real life Gabriella would have screamed.

33. Oh look, Zac Efron is actually singing!

34. The best game to play while watching High School Musical is, Zac Efron or Drew Seeley?

35. Wow, this is a transformation Tuesday.

36. Oh no, the scholastic decathlon, the championship game, and callbacks are all at the same time?!?

37. What high school has a championship basketball game the second that school gets out?

38. How is Taylor smart enough to hack into the gym?

39. And then hack into the, actually I'm not sure. Does she hack into the hot plate that the beaker was on? And what exactly does that do to make them evacuate?

40. And just because the lights are blinking in the gym, why are they evacuated?

41. Zero chance that Troy would be able to run out of the gym like that without Coach Bolton noticing.

42. Okay, quality wise I have to admit Bop to the Top was executed better.

43. So Gabriella can show up in her lab coat, but Troy can change into a sweat suit?

44. What was the opposing team doing while everyone else was at callbacks?


46. Moon drops and everyone acts like it's totally normal.


48. And they win the big game! Didn't see that coming.

49. Kelsey's transformation in the end of this movie perfectly explains what it's like going from the 8th grade to Freshman year.

50. That stage dive by Ryan is A+.

51. Yes, yes we are all in this together.

52. Guess I'll watch High School Musical 2 now.

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