50 Thoughts You Had While Watching Wonder Woman
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50 Thoughts You Had While Watching Wonder Woman

The sequence of thoughts that went through your head while watching the newest instillation in the DC universe.

50 Thoughts You Had While Watching Wonder Woman
DC Films

In a world that is increasingly lacking in wonder, this film's leap into the world of female empowerment through massive amounts of butt-kicking is a step in the right direction. Wonder Woman is often thought of as the ultimate feminist, and this depiction did not disappoint. Here is a transcription of the thoughts that inevitably went through your head while watching this token female superhero (also known as a superhero). And yes, I expect you to have cried with joy during the slaughtering on the beach.

1. Wonder Woman works at the Louvre? Unreal.

2. Why did they need an armored car to transport a suitcase with literally one unimportant picture in it?

3. I would give anything to train with Robin Wright.

4. ~Antiope beats Diana into the ground for years

~Diana wins once

Everyone: You’re a horrible person

5. I like how Zeus had the time to craft thousands of hotties before dying from his immortal battle wounds.

6. Am I watching “The Little Mermaid”?

7. Chris Pine is a good first man to ever see.

8. *gets captured by a warrior race of goddess women*

Steve: “This is fine”

9. *Cries internally as the Amazons kick German ass*

10. *Cries externally from the beauty of watching Robin Wright shoot three Germans at the same time*

11. The feminist side of me (which is all sides of me) is happier than it’s ever been.

12. Diana: I’m gonna kill the god of war

Steve: Um

13. To all those people who hated Wonder Woman comics back in the day because they promoted lesbianism – I hate you.

14. I freaking hope all the Amazons are lesbians.

15. *Chris Pine naked in front of a woman who’s never seen a man before*

Filmmakers: PENIS JOKES

16. Diana: I was made out of clay

Me: I have so many questions

17. Steve, you stole a journal written in ancient Sumerian. Good job. That is literally 0% helpful.

18. I’m so glad I’m a woman. Women are just so strong and incredible.

19. Hippolyta: “Be careful in the world of men, Diana, they don’t deserve you.”

Me: *burns bra*

20. Oh we’re about to have a “Pretty Woman” shopping moment.

21. Why is no one concerned that she’s shopping with a giant sword?

21. Diana, you literally look so hot with glasses on.

22. I am officially a Pine nut.

23. Steve: Stay back ima protect you

Diana: no thanks

24. Professor Lupin, you better not be a bad guy.

25. Sameer: I speak so many languages, I’m super talented

Diana: literally shut up

26. Diana: whose side are you on?

Chief: I hate everyone

Me: I love you

27. “All Woman on the Western Front”: my next read

28. Where the heck was she keeping her shield?!?

29. Men: Don’t go in no man’s land

Diana: I’m a woman so

30. Ugh, women are so inspiring.

31. Steve are you seriously trying to have sex with her in a war zone??

32. Yes, you are. I say go for it.

33. If one more guy tries to mansplain something to her I will personally Godkiller on their ass.

34. “All the people you want to kill will be at a fancy party together”

Of freaking course they are.

“And you can’t go to the party”

Of freaking course they’re going.

35. Why has no one noticed that she has a sword sticking out of her evening gown?

36. Psychotic Phantom of the Opera chemist lady:

*gets hit on by Chris Pine

~gives up life of crime~

37. The German Bad Guy (copyright pending) is literally just into roids. That is his motivation in this film.

38. Me dressed as Wonder Woman for Halloween:


39. Ares, you really expect me to believe you had that horrid mustache in Ancient Greece?

40. If I were into women, I would be ABOUT this girl.

41. Screw it, I’m about her.

42. I wish I had a lasso.

43. Chris Pine, are you seriously going to pull a Captain America/Red 2 right now?

44. Ares (and every bad guy ever): Join me in destroying the world, mankind is corrupt!

Diana: You right brother, but I promised my mom I’d kill you

Me: Family is a beautiful thing


46. I should take combat lessons. I should learn another language.

47. Diana now knows the truth about truth. Truth.


49. Dear Batman, now that you know the story of my lover, I will come out of retirement.

50. Why did it take this long to have a female led superhero movie? Because the world sucks, that's why.

Bonus: The world sucks a little bit less now.

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