Whether you’re running 5 miles or 15, spending extended time on the treadmill can definitely be a challenge. For many who enjoy running, one of the best parts of the experience is getting a good dose of fresh air and enjoying the scenery as you run, none of which you can do on a treadmill. But alas, many of us runners have no choice and must suck it up during the endless months of winter.
Here are 50thoughts that go through my mind when I hop on the treadmill for a long training run.
1. Here we go again.
2. Gotta get my Netlix set up..
3. ...and untangle these headphones…
4. …and fix my hair…
5. Probably should have done all of this before getting on the treadmill.
6. But hey, I’m already .07 into this and I haven’t started running yet #score
7. I’m going to catch up on so many episodes right now.
8. Wow, probably could have stretched a bit more.
9. Yeah, my legs hurt.
10. Ignore the pain, you have 3 hours to go.
11. .5 miles in! YES!
12. I only have 19 more .5’s to go, that is SO doable.
13. They could really turn the fans on in here.
14. What if I just fall off the treadmill?
15. Will I die?
16. It would be really easy to just turn this treadmill off and stop right now.
17. Hey there’s my roommate!
18. I want to go say hi.
19. I’m so bored.
20. And tired.
21. Why do I even like running?
22. Wow, that was a great Netflix episode, I’m watching another.
23. How did people do this before Netflix was invented?
24. I definitely look like a sweaty troll but it’s fine.
25. This run will be worth it in the end.
26. I’m going to go get nachos after this. I earned it!
27. Running inside makes me way thirstier than running outside.
28. How do people make treadmill music videos?
29. This person next to me better not think this is a race.
30. I’m in this for the long haul.
31. I wonder if people are noticing that I’ve been here for hours.
32. #gainz
33. How do people meet at the gym and get into relationships?
34. This is not the moment I really feel like attracting a mate.
35. Look at that person running on an incline.
36. Good for them. I’m not doing that.
37. Another episode over. I’ll switch to music
38. I forgot how fuego my running playlist is.
39. Maybe I should speed up my pace.
40. Or not. I’m good going at this level 6.
41. How much time do I have left.
42. Can someone carry me home after this?
43. Someone should dangle food in front of my face, I’d run faster.
44. One. More. Mile.
45. .75 to go.
46. .5 to go
47. .25 to go
48. .24 to go
49. Wow, this last mile seems to be taking a year.
50. Finally done. HOLLA.