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5 of the Weirdest Museums to Visit in the World

A collection of some of the strangest, most visit-worthy museums.

5 of the Weirdest Museums to Visit in the World

Whenever I go visit my friends that go to college in different cities than me, or when they come to Atlanta to visit me, the one thing we always find ourselves doing is going to museums. Art and history are such universal and unique concepts that have been a part of our lives for such a long time, and viewing them in a professional setting is such an immersive experience. From the High Museum in Atlanta to the Sculpture Gardens in New Orleans to the Museum of Man in San Diego, visiting these exhibits has become one of my favorite things to do, especially when they are extremely strange. Here are a few of the strangest, most fun museums around the world that definitely deserve a visit.

1. Momofuku Ando Instant Ramen Museum


Located in Osaka, Japan, the instant ramen museum features artistic creations using instant noodle packages from different companies around the world. The establishment also allows visitors to taste test unique varieties of instant noodles from Japanese companies and to design their own soup packaging in different exhibits within the museum.

2. International Spy Museum


The International Spy Museum in Washington, D.C. is home to countless espionage artifacts and that give any member of the public a peek into the most secret occupation on the planet. Hidden cameras, fake money, hidden weapons, and cipher machines are only a few of the historic objects that can be found in this museum. Visitors also have the opportunity to participate in interactive spy adventures and learn about some of the most elusive spies in history.

3. Museo Subacuático de Arte


MUSA, Museo Subacuático de Arte, or the Cancun Underwater Museum, is home to over 500 life-sized sculptures that have been fixed to the ocean floor. In addition to featuring art, the space is also an artificial reef that promotes the growth of coral which is constantly changing the underwater landscape. Visitors at MUSA have the opportunity of visiting the exhibits via glass bottom boat, snorkeling, or scuba diving.

4. The Torture Museum


As you walk down the streets of Amsterdam you're sure to find many nice bars and hotels, but among these establishments is the dark world of the Torture Museum. The Museum features decapitation swords, spike-covered chairs, and many more artifacts that Europeans used to interrogate and execute suspected witches, criminals, and spies. The museum also educates visitors on the use of torture in the modern age and supports the UN's Convention Against Torture.

5. The Museum of Bad Art


Commonly abbreviated as MoBA, the Museum of Bad Art was established in 1994 and is located in Boston, Massachusetts and features about 800 of the worst pieces of art you will ever see. From possibly the worst nude portraits I've ever laid my eyes on to paintings that supposedly depict "sports scenes" but really just look like a bad rendering of a historic massacre, MoBA definitely deserves a place on this list.

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