2. There are less rules for writing than you were taught. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Things No One Ever Told You About Writing

After years spent writing, you never really knew everything.

5 Things No One Ever Told You About Writing

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When you consider the amount of writing you do in your daily lives with texting, tweets, posting, emails, etc. everyone is a pro at writing in their own way. Our views at what writing comprises of are based on what we have been taught through the years like 5 paragraphed papers, outlines, and research papers. However, after having spent time writing on Odyssey I have found that there are 5 things that many people don't know about writing.

1. Some of your best work will be the hardest to write.

Writing in journal


While writing is not something that is "easy" I have also found that many of my best pieces have been the hardest to write because they were about emotional traumas, hardships, or past life experiences. I re-lived each of these while telling the story, but sharing these moments is also what writing is about.

2. There are less rules for writing than you were taught.



Now don't get me wrong here... if you are writing your thesis paper for grad school or finishing your history paper for senior year, make sure you check your grammar and stick to MLA or APA formatting. However, when you write outside of a scholarly world, the freedom of writing can be unbelievable. Writing is what you make it as long as it works for what you are trying to say.

3. No topic is off-limit.

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This is a brave statement to make considering controversies over topics on the internet today, but it is true. If you have something to say with the use of the internet, newspapers, blogs, etc. if you are brave enough, you can write about it.

4. You can write anywhere and with anything.

Write Anywhere


While some may find they need to write using pen and paper at their clean desk, during a quiet time each day to write so they can focus, this may not be for everyone. Others, like myself, carry a laptop around to write and while I enjoy the quiet... I also have to chase after my kids and write when I have time (this often means when we are re-watching "Troll Hunters" for the 100th time). Which leads me to my next point...

5. Anyone can write!

Anyone can do it


You don't need to study literature, English, creative writing, or even have been told you have a talent for it. A mom of five, a computer engineer, grandmother, high schooler, etc., can write. If you have something to say, don't hold back from sharing what you have to share.

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