Easy Skincare Routine To Get That GLOW
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Easy Skincare Routine To Get That GLOW

Okay, quick disclaimer ladies. Just because I am writing this article and sharing my favorite skin care tips, does not mean that I think I have the perfect formula for glowing skin (because I don't, and anyone who tells you they do is lying).


Every person has their own unique way of practicing self care - and this routine is one of my favorites! While I can't guarantee these five steps will transform your skin and leave you glowing all day long, I can promise you they've worked for me and I LOVE the simplicity of this routine.

1. Honest Beauty Gentle Cleanser

In a summer full of chasing after that glow and doing a fair amount of skin care research, I found so many bloggers suggesting Honest beauty brand products and this cleanser specifically. So, naturally, I had to give it a shot and it didn't take long for me to absolutely love it. This gentle gel cleanser is great for sensitive skin – it cleanses your skin AND removes all makeup – even tough eye makeup. The cleanser is cruelty free, made without parabens or dyes, and has a blend of chamomile and calendula that calms and soothes – what's not to love?

I've also heard great things about Honest Beauty's Everyday Radiance Moisturizer, but have yet to try it out. If you use it or know someone who loves it, share your glow info in the comments below!

2. Vitamin C Facial Toner 


Never heard of toner or have no clue why you would add it into your skincare routine? Girl, I feel you. I had speculations too on just how this extra step would help my skin glow, so I did some research on why a toner is great for our skin and which toners are the best. Toner is really great for pH balance and for someone like me with dry/combination skin, toner is an added layer of hydration that opens my pores to absorb my moisturizer more.

I recently discovered this Vitamin C toner and have been absolutely loving it. The MSM in the formula helps penetrate your pores and make your skin more receptive to moisturizers, so I like using it immediately after showering – before I apply my Aveeno Daily Moisturizer. While helping with moisture for dry skin, this facial toner also helps combat oily skin with Vitamin E and Glycolic Acid – both which help restore your natural pH levels while still being gentle on all skin types. And, an added bonus, Vitamin C has anti-aging antioxidants that encourage the production of collagen and give you that glow!

3. Aveeno Daily Moisturizer


Okay, this one may seem like – huh? This is your special recommendation for a facial moisturizer, but I SWEAR by this stuff. I have been using Aveeno lotion on my face since before I even knew what a skin care routine was, and I always find myself going back to it no matter how many other moisturizers I try. It's a dermatologist recommended natural formula at a low price that just can't be beat!

4. Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant


For a girl with dry/combination skin, an exfoliant can be essential to getting my skin back on track when things get crazy. Anytime I'm out of routine and don't wash my face or am breaking out for whatever the reason may be, this microfoliant helps me get back on track and always makes my skin glow and feel brand new again. This Dermalogica daily microfoliant, is suggested to be used daily (obviously), but with my skin being so sensitive I find it works great on a weekly basis and a little bit more regularly when I'm breaking out or having trouble with my skin! Start by washing your face with a gentle cleanser and then using this microfoliant to take off that top

5. Dermalogica Breakout Control 


Similar to the Daily Microfoliant, this Dermalogica Breakout Control is something I use on an as needed basis. My skin is not prone to acne, but I tend to breakout from stress and hormones irregularly and this always helps get my skin back under control, especially when used in combination with the exfoliant I included above!

I hope this inspires you to always practice self care and get that GLOW by washing your face and taking care of yourself. So girl, go wash your face.

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