1. The Strumbellas, “Spirits”
If you like The Lumineers, then consider The Strumbellas. Hailing from Canada, The Strumbellas mix dark and light together to convey a theme throughout their album: hope. No other song embodies this contrast more than “Spirits,” one of their most popular songs.
Think marching bands, chirping birds, and the flag raised above Iwo Jima.
2. Astrid S, “Hurts So Good”
Featured on virtually every Spotify playlist it can possibly be on, “Hurts So Good” is on its way to becoming one of music’s biggest hits, and Astrid S is growing more familiar to every music listener’s ears day by day. Let’s give the song a little boost, shall we?
Think blank canvases, glass triangles, and Jackson Pollock.
3. Alina Baraz & Galimatias, “Fantasy”
Laced with smooth tempos and piano chords, “Fantasy” is a more modern, breezy approach to R&B. If you like “Fantasy,” you should check out the rest of their EP Urban Flora.
Think coconut milk, cold water, and lotus flowers.
4. SNBRN & Kerli, “Raindrops”
My GSI played a BuzzFeed video in my Psych discussion section, and I saw a lot of people really digging the song playing in the background. I went back home and found the song on Spotify, and I don’t regret it.
Think rose petals, marble statues, and Calvin Klein lingerie ads.
5. Sufjan Stevens, “The Only Thing”
Sweetly melodic, “The Only Thing” reveals a more tender side of the autumnal season. Stevens touches on the little things that keep him alive, saving him from aggravating thoughts about death and suicide. It’ll make you wonder if you’ve ever really been loved.
Think fleeting car rides, pumpkin patches, and dust particles floating in a stream of sunlight.