Living in a college dormitory is an exceptional experience. You get to be within walking distance of class, go to sleep whenever, and you can always find friends right down the hall. But there are a few things about living in a dorm that are not so great. Here are five not so great things you may experience living in a dorm.
1) Dust.
One of the most interesting things about dorms is how much dust they can accumulate. Anything in your dorm room is a magnet for dust. This includes your books, mini fridge, T.V., and even under your bed! You would be surprised at how such a little space could harbor so many dust bunnies. That is why it is best to keep an ample supply of cleaning products on hand. Always make time to clean your room every week. Or the dust bunnies will take over and take your room for themselves.
2) Limited living space.
It is obvious that your dorm room will be nothing like home. The space will be smaller and you will have to share that space with other people. That is why you should never bring too much from home. Only bring things you will absolutely use during the semester. For example, if it is a fall semester, only bring fall clothes. If it is the spring semester, only bring spring clothes. Never pack your entire wardrobe for the whole year! It will only make move out day all the more difficult. But make sure you and your roommates have at least one T.V., and one mini fridge to share. Yes, you will have to share with your roommates. So make firm agreements and fair compromises so that everyone gets a fair share out of the living space.
3). Little to no privacy.
One of the downsides of having one or more roommates, and living in a dormitory hall is how little privacy you will have. If you live in a dorm that has communal bathrooms you will have to put up with sharing the bathrooms and shower stalls. That means possibly taking a shower at the same time someone decides to go to the bathroom. Which becomes a terrible experience when they flush the toilet and the water temperature goes from warm to scolding hot. In reverse it might mean going to the bathroom while someone is singing loudly in the shower stall. Sharing a room also means little privacy. You will have to be comfortable changing clothes around roommates, and it could be difficult to have private conversations on the phone with one or more people in the room. Whatever privacy issues you may face, you will just have to find a way to work around them.
4). Loud neighbors.
No matter what you will always have that one loud neighbor in your hallway. They might enjoy running around the halls with their friends in the middle of the night. Or they might play music so loud you can feel the walls vibrating. Whatever loud things they decide to do, it will become annoying after a while. Especially when you are trying to sleep or study. The best way to deal with this is to go to that person and ask them to be quite. If they do not want to do that, go to your R.A. or your Buildings Area Coordinator and let them know what is going on. But if all else fails, you could always invest in some good earbuds.
5). Taking on extra responsibility
A dorm is not a hotel room. There will be no one to wash your clothes or take out your trash. You will need to take the time to make sure you keep up with your room. Not only keeping it dust and dirt free, but also keeping it organized. Do not let your dirty clothes pile up, and always take out your trash. Or your room will smell and look awful. Make agreements with your roommate(s) over who will take care of what. This includes, sweeping/vacuuming, dusting, taking the trash out,ect... Make sure to always do your share of the cleaning! Of course laundry is everyone's personal duty, so do not expect someone else to do it for you.