If you haven’t seen "Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens" already... I’m not sure why you’re reading but for your own sake, I would stop. Very important life-changing spoilers are ahead.
Ok, so, you’ve seen The Force Awakens. You loved it or you hated it or you feel something in between. Although, I’m not sure if there’s anyone who could have possibly hated it. But no matter your feelings, you definitely have a lot of questions. With so many new characters and so much time passed between Episode VI and Episode VII, The Force Awakens couldn’t have possibly answered all of our burning questions in one movie. And why would they? We’ve got two more episodes for that!
Even before The Force Awakens was out, countless theories were out there, but now that we’ve taken the movie in, let’s delve into the best, worst, strangest, and most interesting fan theories that have emerged about "Star Wars, The Force Awakens," and its characters.
1. Kylo Ren is a double agent trying to help the light side
This theory, which has been all over the Internet as the “best,” most “mind-blowing” theory out there is probably the most unlikely of the theories I’ve seen. The theory states that Kylo Ren joined the dark side in order to help the light side and kill Supreme Leader Snoke. It says that Kylo Ren must fully become a Sith in order to become the full manifestation of the dark side in the force, so that he and Rey can restore the balance of the force, and so that both can become strong enough to defeat Snoke. This is supposed to explain Kylo killing Han Solo, his final act to prove his allegiance to the dark side.
Personally, I think this theory is a little too good to be true. Although this new trilogy seems to be going with a lighter tone, I’m not sure if the tone is going to be that light. But hey, it is a very optimistic outlook on Kylo Ren’s decisions.
2. Rey is Luke Skywalker’s Daughter
There are many theories involving this. It seems like the most obvious theory involving Rey’s parentage. She must be related to someone, and with a lot of questions as to where Luke has been and what he has been doing since disappearing, it seems most likely that Rey fits in somewhere here. This would also explain Rey’s extremely strong abilities with the Force, even with no knowledge of having it, as well as her intense connection to Luke and Anakin’s lightsaber.
This theory does seem most likely, causing some fans to be suspicious of it actually being true. But, if this new trilogy follows the other two, it does make the most sense that this trilogy would involve the next generation of Skywalkers: from Anakin, to Luke, to Rey.
3. Rey is Han Solo and Leia’s Daughter
Alternatively, some believe that Rey is not the daughter of Luke, but of Leia, which would provide many of the same explanations that are provided by the idea that Rey is Luke’s daughter, such as her strong abilities with the Force and her connection to Anakin and Luke’s lightsaber. It also explains her quick connection to Han Solo and the Millennium Falcon.
These theories can only be sound if Han and Leia either think that their daughter/Rey is dead, or disappeared somewhere. It is theorized that Rey was also training with Luke and Kylo Ren at the time that Kylo went bad. During this, Leia and Han believe that Rey either died or disappeared. It is possible that Luke, Kylo, or someone else placed Rey on Jakku afterwards to keep her safe. Although not as likely as the theory that Rey is Luke’s daughter, it does provide for a terrific potential sibling vs. sibling rivalry in Rey vs. her brother Ben, as Kylo Ren.
4. Rey Has No Father, and Her Mother is not a Pre-Established Character
Yes, almost all theories involving the movie involve questions about Rey’s parentage. There are not many other questions The Force Awakens brings up that are quite as glaring as this. But here’s one final theory: Rey was conceived out of immaculate conception. This is exactly how Anakin was born, and would really establish Rey as the new “chosen one,” explaining her powerful Force abilities. This would really push the whole “new characters, new adventures” thing that Disney seems to be going for with all of the new faces seen in The Force Awakens. But, this would also mean a loss of the nostalgia value and connection to the original films, something that they’re also trying to push.
The nostalgia component is why it is less likely that this theory is true. With new characters having no connection to the original ones, some viewers are not going to be as drawn to them had they been related to Luke or Leia. But, although not the most exciting and mind-blowing of the theories, it is certainly possible. But most think that the franchise is going to keep this one in the family.
And award for most absurdly entertaining theory goes to….
5. Rey is Darth Vader
Yes, you read that right. A theory posted on Reddit explains that Rey is Anakin Skywalker reincarnated through the Force. This theory is a more extreme version of the last one, but much more interestingly absurd. This would explain why Rey has such powerful abilities with the force, why she is so connected to Luke and Anakin’s lightsaber, and supposedly how similar she looks to Shmi Skywalker, Anakin’s mother. With this theory, Rey represents Anakin’s goal, before he fell to the dark side, of bringing balance to the force. Based on this theory, this new trilogy would likely involve Rey fulfilling the original destiny of the chosen one restoring balance to the force.
So, there’s some starting points to get your mind thinking about all the questions you were left with after seeing The Force Awakens. See you May 26, 2017 for Episode VIII. Hopefully we’ll find out who Rey’s real parents are. Or maybe we’ll find out that she’s actually Darth Vader. You just never know these days.