5 Feel Good Shows To Binge-Watch This Summer | The Odyssey Online
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Sometimes, with everything going on in the world, it can feel overwhelming and exhausting at times. It's hard enough to step away, with politics and world news being at your fingertips and that can make even the happiest of us feel stressed. Here are five shows you should watch when you need a pick me up.

1. Queer Eye (Netflix)

I think everyone already knows about this show (how could you not? It's all over internet). For real though, whenever I'm feeling down, watching the Fab Five help people build their self-confidence up always brightens my mood. The first three seasons are available on Netflix and the fourth season will be available on the streaming platform on July 19.

2. Unspouse My House (HGTV)

Okay, this is a new one but TRUST ME ON THIS! Unspouse My House is basically like Queer Eye meets Property Brothers. Interior designer Orlando Soria helps newly single/separated people reclaim their space after their ex moves out. Literally unspousing the house. Soria is not only an incredibly talented designer, but he is a wonderful shoulder to lean on. I highly recommend watching. It can be streamed on the HGTV app or on the network Thursday nights.

3. Nailed It (Netflix)

Baking shows are great and all, but I know in my heart of hearts I could never craft the wonderful creations seen on Food Network. I struggle with mini muffins. Nailed It is a show for all the people like me who really love baking but are just not good. I don't think I've laughed so hard at a baking show in my entire life.

4. Say Yes To The Dress (TLC)

Sometimes you just need a good cry. But not in a sad way, in a feel good happy way. When the bride finally finds her dress, it's hard not to shed a tear. Even if their bridal party is, opinionated for lack of a better word, there's almost always a happy ending with everyone hugging and crying happy tears.

5. Lip Sync Battle (Paramount)

Did everyone see Tom Holland's lip sync video from 2017? Where he dressed like Rihanna, slayed "Umbrella" and redefined my entire life? Do I need to give you more reasons to watch than that? This show gave us Tom Holland....in thigh high boots....singing Rihanna's infamous 2007 hit "Umbrella."

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