5 Contestants To Watch On 'Dancing With The Stars' That Are Definitely In It To Win It | The Odyssey Online
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5 Contestants To Watch On 'Dancing With The Stars' That Are Definitely In It To Win It

Spoiler: this list contains no mention of Carole Baskin.

5 Contestants To Watch On 'Dancing With The Stars' That Are Definitely In It To Win It

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On Monday, "Dancing with the Stars" returned to our televisions with their 29th season. This season featured a lot of different changes including a new host, a new judge as well as a new judging system.

Among these changes, there were also changes to account for the coronavirus pandemic. Some of these changes included practicing socially distancing as well as different filming practices.

Although this season might look a little different, things are still heating up to be tough competition on the dance floor. Here are my top five contestants to keep your eye on as this season progresses.

1. Skai Jackson

For me, Skai Jackson was a standout after the first night of performances. At first, I was a little hesitant about this choice due to her age. While she and her partner might have a substantial age gap, they did not let this stop them. Skai even managed to score the first seven of the night.

2. Justina Machado

You might know her from "One Day at a Time" right now, but by the end of the season, you'll definitely remember her killer dance moves.

On Monday, Justina performed the Cha Cha with her partner, Sasha. Their performance was fun to watch and made everyone at home want to get up to dance. I am excited to see what the season holds for this pairing.

3.​​ Nev Schulman

When I first heard about this pairing, I did not think I would love it as much as I do. Nev and Jenna had a beautiful foxtrot that exuded vintage romance. I can't wait to see what they bring to the dance floor next.

4. Kaitlyn Bristowe

A fan favorite following the first night of performances was Kaitlyn Bristowe. Kaitlyn is no stranger to ABC and was formerly on "The Bachelor" and "The Bachelorette."

On the first night, Kaitlyn and her partner, Artem, danced a fun Cha Cha. After her performance, fans took to Twitter to express their support for their star and to encourage others to vote for her next week.

5. Anne Heche

Another fan favorite of the night included Anne Heche. For many viewers, what made this performance is that they had no prior knowledge of Anne was. They genuinely loved her performance and I have to agree.

She did a wonderful job. You can tell that she was there to have fun and that is exactly what she did.

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