5 Batman Quotes That Depict The Life Of Adam West
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5 Batman Quotes That Depict The Life Of Adam West

"In a lot of people's mind, I AM Batman, and that's been kind of a two-edged sword."

5 Batman Quotes That Depict The Life Of Adam West
NBC News

The world mourns TV's beloved Adam West, who lost his battle to Leukemia on June 9, 2017, at the age of 88. Adam West appeared in several TV shows and movies throughout the span of his seven-decade career, although he could never seem to escape the persona of TV's Batman. The 1960s film and TV series that promoted good values and valuable life lessons will always have the world wondering--Is Adam West the true Batman, or is Batman the true Adam West? He paved the way for many caped crusaders to come and left behind many memorable quotes from Batman that accurately depict his own life.

"A sound mind and a sound body. A worthy goal."

Adam West was born in Washington on September 19, 1928, and was originally named William West Anderson. He spent a majority of his early years on a ranch with his parents, Otto and Audrey. His parents eventually divorced and he moved to Seattle with his mother to finish high school. Adams mother suffered severe depression and alcoholism, and unfortunately, so did Adam in his later years. TV's Batman may have defeated many villains on screen, but spent a long time trying to defeat his mental illness. Adam West's daughter, Nina, claims that although her father struggled with depression, he has overcome it because he wants to.

"Experience teaches slowly, Robin. And at a cost of many mistakes."

Before Adam West became the Batman icon of the generation, he faced many challenges and eye-opening experiences. Not only did he complete school at Whitman College and marry his first wife, Billie Lou Yaeger, but he also attended Standford University for postgraduate courses. He was then drafted into the army where he would be enrolled for two years. Afterward, Adam and Billie traveled Europe together until they ran out of money. From there, Adam moved to Hawaii to get his start in acting on a children's program, "The Kini Popo Show", while working odd jobs to make ends meat. He divorced Billie and remarried Ngatokoruaimatauaia "Nga" Frisbie Dawson. Adam and Nga had two children together shortly after. It's safe to say Adam West gained many genuine experiences before his true path to stardom.

"That's life, Robin, full of ups and downs. It ill benefits any of us to become too confident."

Adam moved to Hollywood in 1959, where he would officially adopt his stage name, "Adam West." He starred in many supporting roles until 1966, when he officially landed his big break on the ABC-TV show, "Batman." The TV show and movie edition made Adam West a national and international icon. The series and film became a huge hit, attracting viewers of all ages. Adam West became a memorable Batman, reaching out to people all over the world. Although he was officially swimming in fame, Adam had to blame "Batman" for ruining his marriage with Nga. In addition, Adam West became typecast after the "Batman" TV series and movie and had trouble finding other acting jobs. Even at the peak of his career, however, he still tried to remain humble.

"We all have the right to be selfish sometimes."

Despite his lack of work after "Batman," Adam West remarried this third (and final) wife, Marcell Lear. Luckily for Adam, it is hard to keep a good actor in the shadows. After his short hiatus, he was back to acting and his career was in full swing once again. He ended up completing over 50 projects after "Batman," including movies, TV shows, and voices on animated shows. Adam West even wrote an autobiography in 1994 called "Back to the Batcave." Adam decided to make Batman work toward his advantage in his career instead of working against it.

"An older head can't be put on younger shoulders."

In his later years, Adam West stated that he was grateful for "The Bat." Before he took the role, he claimed he was a little worried. In the beginning, he wasn't sure how he felt about being forever known as a superhero in tights. However, he recollected his thoughts and said that actors just want to be loved. Although he acted on several occasions before he made it big, he was grateful for his role of Batman because it got his name out there and gave him the publicity he was seeking all along. Adam West finally made peace with his heroic alter ego and realized he has the privilege of being an influential character in pop culture.

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