40 Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do
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40 Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do

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40 Things To Do When You Have Nothing To Do

Sometimes you find yourself with all of the time in the world, but no idea how to spend it. You swear to yourself that just yesterday you had infinite ideas about what to do in your free time, but right now, they're just slipping your mind. Well, fear no more. Below is a list of 40 things to do in your spare time that will have you wondering where all of the time went.

1. Try to cook/bake something new.

Browse Pinterest and try out a new recipe!

2. Listen to NPR.

Tune into NPR's live stream- one of the best ways to brush up on current events.

3. Write a letter to a family member or friend.

Receiving a letter in the mail is one of the best feelings ever. Make someone feel warm and fuzzy inside!

4. Go through your clothes and get rid of what you don't wear anymore.

Sometimes you will really find yourself surprised by how much of your clothing you don't wear; you can either donate it or sell it for a reasonable price if you could use some extra money!

5. Watch BuzzFeed food videos on YouTube.

Here's a good one to get you started:

6. Clean your room.

Come on, this never hurts.

7. Color an adult coloring page.

Here are some free ones to print out.

8. Look for a DIY project to try on Pinterest.

The possibilities are endless with an untouched Mason jar.

9. Look for new music to listen to.

Nothing beats the feeling of finding a new go-to artist.

10. Schedule your month.

Why not get ahead?

11. Go for a walk.

Getting some fresh air often goes under appreciated.

12. Read a new book.

A good book and a cup of tea: a match made in heaven.

13. Call someone that you haven't spoken to in a while.

Hearing the voice of someone you haven't spoken to in a while is something you can't pass up.

14. Start making a photo album.

There are Facebook photo albums and there are real photo albums- you'll want the latter in the future.

15. Learn more about something you've always wanted to know more about.

There's always been that one thing that you've regretted not knowing enough about; take some time and do some research on it!

16. Visit a museum.

Many cities and schools have free museum access; make an effort to appreciate these attractions!

17. Paint your nails.

Never fails!

18. Have a movie marathon.

Watch some movies you've never seen before!

19. Pick an actor/actress and watch as many of their films as you can.

It's super interesting to see how actors and actresses take on different roles.

20. Explore the city nearest to you.

Even if you've lived in the same place for your entire life, there's probably a site you've never seen -- go find it!

21. Paint a picture.

Even if you don't consider yourself to be talented with paint and a brush, painting is a very relaxing way to spend your time.

22. Go through your closet and come up with new outfit ideas.

Maybe you'll realize that that one top in the back of your closet actually goes well with your favorite pair of jeans!

23. Watch Jimmy Kimmel's "Celebrity Mean Tweets" videos on YouTube.

24. Write about your week.

Reflect on the highs and the lows. Save it to look back on one day.

25. Start a blog.

It's a challenging thing to start, but it's a very self defining activity.

26. Watch makeup tutorials and try out a new look.

Browse through Youtube to find a makeup tutorial that you find compatible with yourself; test out whatever you find!

27. Go to the gym.

If you have the time, why not? Once you get up and go, you'll feel great about it!

28. Challenge yourself to a sudoko.

Check out WebSudoku.com.

29. Create a new playlist.

For the gym, for studying, for relaxation- you pick!

30. Go to a busy area and people watch (with your favorite sunglasses so you don't look creepy).

So what's that person's story?

31. Make a bucket list.

Make a list of things you'd like to accomplish before you're 50.

32. Search the web to find clothing deals and coupons.

Channel your inner "extreme couponer."

33. Use those deals to go shopping.

Shopping without shopper's remorse!

34. Try to learn a different way to style your hair.

If you've never learned how to french braid, now is your time!

35. Do a step-by-step drawing.

Check out the Art Made Easy website.

36. Rearrange your furniture.

Sometimes change is good.

37. Go on a hike.

Pack a lunch and go exploring!

38. Take pictures at a scenic area.

You don't need a Canon camera to be a photographer for the day. All you need is your smartphone and a great view.

39. Watch Tastemade Tiny Kitchen videos on YouTube.

It's the little things.

40. Watch a Netflix documentary.

Netflix has some of the best documentaries out there. Instead of binge watching your regular show, expand your horizons!

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