No matter the season or skin type, having makeup that can last all day is a universal challenge. With all the products out there, it can be hard to decide which one is the best for you. Hands down, my favorite source for all things makeup is Youtube (#basic). But sometimes, it can be a little daunting when all you need is one question answered and there are literally thousands of videos to choose from.
Here's a compiled list of tips from credible Youtubers:
1. "Like Speaks To Like"
Pro artist, Wayne Goss, swears by this rule. Essentially, the base ingredients of your foundation and primer and/or moisturizer should match. For example, if the foundation you use, has water listed as the main ingredient, your moisturizer should too. Compatibility is the key here.
All of Wayne's videos are short and to the point. Thee're the most unbiased and informative videos on Youtube; definitely subscribe!
2. CTM!
Three words: cleanse, tone, moisturize. This is the Holy Trinity of all things beauty. Makeup wipes are cool, but they don't provide a deep clean for your pores and remove most dead skin cells. They also can't restore your skin's natural pH levels or remove built up oil or relieve dry patches.
Sinead, like Wayne, cuts the crap and gets right to the chase. She's also a pro artist in Europe and definitely deserves more subscribers.
3. Loose Powders Are Key
Loose powders are all over Instagram for a reason! They're finely milled, unlike pressed powders, providing optimal staying power.
Jackie Aina's videos may be long, but her personality and ability to relate to others is what makes them worth watching!
4. Don't Use A Brush, Use A Powder Puff
When using a brush to set our makeup, we tend to use swiping motions across the face. This type of application actually defeats the purpose. Wayne Goss explains this in the video below:
Just subscribe to Wayne Goss, okay?
5. Hairspray For Your Face
Believe the hype! Setting sprays not only keep your makeup lasting all day, but "fixes" your makeup, removing the over-powdered, over layered look. My personal favorite is the MAC Prep + Prime Fix +. Its main ingredient is glycerin which is like super glue for your face. Other brands have high concentrations of alcohol in their sprays, which can be irritating. MAC's doesn't, which is why I use theirs on the daily.
Tati offers great advice for all ages, especially those with mature skin!