There's always that one person in your class or friend in your group that always says, "I'm cold," or when you walk in somewhere, "It's cold in here." I have to admit, I'm one of those people. I'm that one there's person who's shivering, whose teeth are chattering, and who's always wrapped up in a blanket or wearing a sweatshirt and fuzzy socks. If you're one these people who's in a constant state of feeling like an Eskimo, you'll be able to relate to these few things...
1. You impatiently wait for spring and enjoy every last bit of summer. Every. Single. Year. I don't love when it's burning up and sweltering outside in the middle of the July, but you'd still much rather be sweating than shivering. You can't wait for spring when it finally starts to get warm, and summer when it stays warm. When you walk outside and not shiver for once, your whole self just becomes immediately satisfied and comfortable.
2. You despise winter with a passion. This has always been and always will be your least favorite time of year. Not only does it get dark, dreary and depressing, but IT'S FREEZING OUTSIDE. You have to layer up every day, every time you go out. It's such a pain. You miss just throwing on a tank top, shorts and flip flops. And when you're outside, you feel like you have to rush to get where you're going because you're so cold! And once you start to feel warm again, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK OUT into the madness (Especially if it's windy, that's the absolute worst!) Winter seems to last forever and it seems like warmer weather will never arise.
3. You never seem to dress appropriately. During the fall season, you see the temperature is 55 or 60. "That's not too bad," you think, so you just put on jeans and a short-sleeved shirt. Bad choice. You're freezing and you should've brought a jacket. No matter how many layers you put on, the cold still seems to reach you! And in the summer, the air conditioning may feel good for a split second, but you instantly want to go back into the sun.
4. Ultimately, you're just never comfortable. You just can't escape the Arctic. You're cold when you take off your clothes; the hot shower feels amazing, but then you fear getting out. You have to bring an extra sweater to restaurants and movie theaters, and even have to resist going out at night, because that's when you, sadly, die of Hypothermia the most. Even when you think you're hot and you turn on the AC, soon enough, you're shivering. And it's just a never ending cycle that's got you like...