36 Hours In Rome | The Odyssey Online
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36 Hours In Rome

36 Hours In Rome

As one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world, Rome has been written about countless times, in many different ways. Having said that, it is a difficult feat to describe or advise on its main attractions (the Pantheon, Trevi Fountain, the Coliseum, etc.) in an original manner. Whether or not you have been to Rome, you have seen these architectural wonders in movies, guidebooks and history texts. Not to suggest you should not visit them, but their existence is nothing new. Looking for a more unique Roman experience? Visit the small neighborhoods, find your favorite gelato shop, and walk down back streets.

Roma -- The city itself has become a cliché of sorts. However, you can visit the popular spots and still make the city your own. Just be open to the unknown, look around you, and follow this guide for an unforgettable weekend in “The Eternal City.”

1. Friday 9 P.M. Gelateria Frigidarium                  

It may seem gluttonous to consider scarfing down gelato as one of the first things you do in Rome. But hey, you’re in Italy after all. And besides salami pizza and spaghetti and meatballs, gelato might be one of the first foods you associate with Italian cuisine. Roman gelato is not hard to find, and 9 times out of 10, it tastes like the sweet nectar of the gods. But the gelato at Gelateria Frigidarium is really something special. Right off Piazza Navona, this gelato shop offers several glorious flavors. But if you only have time for one visit, get the house flavor -- “frigidarium,” --mix it with “cream fiorentina,” and ask for the chocolate dip. They even put a cookie on top! This place rules, and it is cheap too. 3 euros for 3 scoops. A must taste.    

2. Friday 9:30 P.M. Ponte Garibaldi Bridge   

Feeling a little heavy after all that gelato? Not a problem. Head over to Via Arenula, and take an evening stroll to the Ponte Garibaldi Bridge. With St. Peter’s Basilica on the horizon, this bridge is a great place to watch the sunset. Marveling at the view, people watching, and enjoying the breeze and sounds, one can easily lose track of time on this bridge. Not to mention, it leads you into Trastevere, a pleasant Roman neighborhood, with plenty of authentic restaurants, festive piazzas and old churches just waiting to tell their stories.   

3. Friday 10 P.M. Tiber Shops   

Walk down those stairs by the Ponte Garibaldi Bridge, and enter the Tiber Shops -- a festive family and couple scene right by the river. Filled with hookah bars, art shops, Middle Eastern, Mexican and American cuisines and a close view of the gentle Tiber River, this is a great spot for a relaxing evening walk. As a popular late afternoon and nightspot for local high school and college kids, this is a perfect location to visit to get a feel of what local Roman life is really like. With carnival games and candy shops, children will enjoy it too. Soccer fans -- it’s World Cup season. With a few small bars and restaurants with decent TVs, this is a great place to catch a few matches as well.   

4. Saturday 9 A.M. The Spanish Steps   

Head north to the popular Spanish steps, -- Scalinata della Trinità dei Monti -- a long set of steps that take you from the Piazza di Spagna to Piazza Trinita dei Monti. Making your way up these steps, especially after a long touristy day in the Roman summer heat, may be your workout for the day. Once you have made it up there, your calves may be on fire, but it is definitely worth it. The top of these steps may be the most spectacular view in all of Rome. This is a wonderful way to take in the city in one, breathtaking view. And once there, the Trinita dei Monti Church and Borghese Gardens are only a short walk away.     

5. Saturday 10:30 A.M. Borghese Gardens Lake   

Enter the popular Villa Borghese Gardens and a little off the beaten path is a field with tall trees and couples lying in the grass. Walk to the bottom of the field to the humble lake. With green surrounding the lake on all sides, this is a great spot to sit back and enjoy the gardens with the family or romantic partner. Rest your legs, take off your shoes and put your feet in the refreshing water’s edge. Away from the park’s busy roads and popular attractions, this lake is a pleasant escape from the garden’s hectic touristy sites. A place to reflect, take a nap or maybe finally go in for that first kiss... When in Rome, right?  

6. Saturday 3:00 P.M. Pizzeria Ai Marmi   

Head back down to Viale Di Trastevere, about a 45-minute walk from the Spanish Steps, where the greatest pizza in the world is waiting your arrival. That’s right. In the heart of Trastevere, just passed the little casino, is Pizzeria Ai Marmi. Very popular and often crowded at dinnertime, stopping by in the late lunch hours is your best bet for a short line. The restaurant itself is a humble pizza joint, with an open kitchen and a fast working staff. If you only have time for one visit, get the salami and onion. Salami may be their single best topping, and onion complements it perfectly. Open until 2 a.m., this joint is also the quintessential Roman late night food option.   

7. Saturday 7:00 P.M. “Bar”   

Being in Rome during the World Cup is a unique experience. It can be awkward being surrounded by locals, furious at Bonatelli for not capitalizing on a scoring chance; however, experiencing the energy in Rome for Italy’s squad is a great way to feel a part of Roman culture. “Bar” in Trastevere is a non-touristy, low-key spot to watch a few games after dinner. Grab a drink, take a seat on the comfortable couches, and enjoy the action on their large projector. While in the area, walk down the road, and with a little bit of luck, you may catch an outdoor jazz performance. These guys always draw a great crowd and play some smooth, foot tapping jams that make for a fun, laidback atmosphere.   

8. Saturday 11:00 P.M.  Sloppy Sam’s, Campo De Fiori   

For the American abroad student, Campo De Fiori is the center of nightlife in Rome. Just across the river from Trastevere, this Piazza is famous for its busy market scene during the day. But at night, the tents come down, and the street is filled with local college students and abroad students alike. If you are studying abroad in Rome and looking for the best place to meet other young Americans and college age locals, Campo De Fiori is the place to go. This massive piazza has several restaurants that are popping late into the night. Sloppy Sam’s for example, as a restaurant and bar combo, follows the motto, “classy in the front, sloppy in the back.” With great party music and a beer pong table, this bar is always a good time.   

9. Sunday 8 A.M. Basilica San Clemente   

Not far from the Coliseum is the Basilica San Clemente. This massive church has three levels, all with their own historical significance. The first level is the presently used basilica, a beautiful church built during the Middle Ages with mosaics and frescoes. Pay 5 euros and enter the church’s crypts underneath. The second level is a 4th century basilica, and the basement level once served as a place of worship for followers of the mysterious religion of Mithraism. With small staircases, dimly lit lamps, and narrow walkways, these underground floors look like something out of an old mummy film. For video game players, these mazelike crypts may bring back memories of first person gun game franchises like Call of Duty and Duke Nukem.   

10. Sunday 9 A.M. Parco Ninfeo di Nerone   

While in the area, take a walk over to the Coliseum and stop by Parco Ninfeo di Nerone. On your way over, you will have an incredible view of the Coliseum, and this adjacent park is a nice escape from the chaos of the surrounding tourism. It is a convenient detour for those heading from the Coliseum to Circus Maximus as well, with a nature trail parallel to Via Celio Vibenna. Walk through the park toward the hectic Piazza di Porta Capena intersection, and you should have no trouble catching a cab to the airport. Have a safe journey! Buon Viaggio!

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