35 Ways to End the Year Right!
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35 Ways to End the Year Right!

2016 May Have Been Awful, But It Doesn't Have to End That Way

35 Ways to End the Year Right!

I think most of us can agree that 2016 was not the greatest year. For a multitude of reasons, the world is ready for it to be over and long forgotten. However, before we go charging into 2017 and try to completely wipe out this horrid year, there are a few things we can do to try to end 2016 on a positive note. So while there were some pretty terrible things this year, it doesn’t have to end that way!

1. Make Copious Amounts of Cookies (And Eat Them)

They make great gifts and you can have a baking montage!

2. Buy Presents

Sure, most people do shopping online nowadays, but the old fashion way is so much more fun!

3. Make Someone a Present

Or better yet, make something creative for someone you love. Whether it's a gift or just a card, they'll appreciate the time effort you spent on them.

4. Buy a Present For Someone In Need

Pick up a card from a gift Christmas tree, donate a toy to Toys for Tots, buy someone a book at Barnes and Noble, the options are endless.

5. Make Personalized Holiday or New Years Cards

Instead of slapping a name and signature on a greeting card, make a memorable card people will actually want to keep, and spend some time filling out a personal message that is sure to make them smile.

6. Write a Christmas Card to a Hospital Patient or Veteran

7. Volunteer at a Soup Kitchen

8. Go For a Walk and Look Up at the Snow Falling

9. Drink Hot Cocoa

10. Play in the Snow

11. Set Your Goals For 2017

I think most of us can agree 2016 wasn’t so great, but 2017 can surely be better!

12. Rearrange and Decorate

Just because you take all your Christmas decorations down doesn’t mean you have to go back to boring and plain walls. Switch it up to lift up your spirits all year.

13. Listen to Christmas Music

Yes, it’s everywhere, but can it really get old? Michael Buble’s Christmas album basically is Christmas.

14. Make an Ornament

Get creative and make something you can cherish for the years to come.

15. Self Care

The holidays usually involve lots of time planning for other people, but sometimes you just need time for yourself. Whether it's binge-watching a show or giving yourself a spa night, do something for you so you can charge into 2017 ready to pounce.

16. Make a Photo Album or Scrapbook of the Year

17. Make Homemade Applesauce and Pumpkin Pie

18. Decorate the Christmas Tree

20. Decorate Your Living Room or Desk. Get Creative With It!

27. Get Crafty with Pinterest

21. Reflect on the Year

Where did you run short, and what were your proudest moments?

22. Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Early

You don't need to start 2017 feeling down about yourself. Create a plan, and get going!

23. Watch Classic Christmas Movies

Whether it’s "Frosty The Snowman," "Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer," or "The Year Without a Santa Claus," the classics are always the best.

24. Watch a New Christmas Movie

Even though some movies are tradition, it's good to throw something new into the mix now and then. Watch something you've never seen before, be it new or old, and maybe you’ll even start a new tradition.

25. Watch the Christmas Special of Your Favorite TV Show.

Dr. Who, Spongebob, Friends, or Glee, most shows have holiday specials.

26. Watch a Slasher Movie

27. Find Your 2017 Anthem or Mantra

28. Get a Haircut for the New Year

29. Cook Food Together

30. Go Ice Skating

31. Give Yourself Christmas Themed Nails

32. Learn About Another Holiday

33. Go Shopping For Yourself

34. Wear Fuzzy Pajamas and Socks

35. Do Whatever You've Always Wanted To Do, But Never Get To

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