35 Things Every Black Millennial Cannot Stand
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35 Things Every Black Millennial Cannot Stand

We simply do NOT have the time.

35 Things Every Black Millennial Cannot Stand
Clarke Sanders

There are 100 lists out there of things millennials "kill" and love, but I don't think there is a list of things about millennials quite like this one.

So, in no particular order . . .

1. Hispanics that have forgotten they're Black.

The last time I checked, those slave ships made drop offs in the Caribbean as well as Central and South America.

2. Religious hypocrisy and using the Bible to spread hate.

God told you to love your neighbor and leave all judgement to Him. So do that.

3. All Lives Matter.

Clearly they don't.

4. Donald Trump and the things that stumble out of his mouth.

Remember that time he told Puerto Ricans that them getting hit by Hurricane Maria threw his budget out of whack? Or what about when he told Sgt. LaDavid Johnson's grieving widow that her husband knew "what he signed up for."

5. People touching our hair.

Why, yes, at one point, white people did have us caged up in petting zoos, but this is 2017, and if you touch my hair again, you'll pull back a nub.

6. White terrorists getting coddled by the media (and the Cheeto-in-Chief).

Still confused as to why this is still a "mental health problem" and not a gun problem.

7. History books referring to the Atlantic slave trade as "immigration."


8. "Nude" cosmetics that insinuate flesh tone is one color.

Yeah, I'm not beige when I'm in the nude.

9. White people still saying Barack Obama is a Kenyan Muslim.

Because a birth certificate means nothing, and all the witnesses in the room including his own mother would be biased.

10. Buying Arizona Ice Tea for more than $.99 a can.

If you think I'm spending $1.25, YOU. HAVE. THE. WRONG. ONE. HUNTY.

11. Omarosa Manigault.

We always knew her to be a T.V villain, but we weren't expecting her to sell her soul to the devil for a check.

12. The 4th of July and the complete disregard of Juneteenth.

"Happy 4th of July. The slaves weren't free but I'm sure they enjoyed the fireworks." - Chris Rock

13. Fox News.


14. Camping.

No, ma'am.

15. "Reverse racism."

Because at some point, Black and brown people oppressed white people?

16. Gentrification.

I'm not going to buy your overpriced lattes just so you can drive up property taxes and force me out of the home my family has lived in for three generations.

17. Winter sports.


18. Alternative facts.

Read a history book and simmer down.

19. T.V shows without Black characters.

Real life doesn't look like that. Sorry, we're everywhere.

20. Tomi Lahren.

Who gave that 12-year-old a show, and where can I get one?

21. Subway sandwich artists who actually charge for extra meat and cheese.

Especially when they are stingy with the toppings to begin with.

22. Wyppipo who think bringing up privilege and racism is "divisive."

No, Sharon, doing nothing about privilege and racism is divisive.

23. Ashy ankles.


24. Body shaming thick girls.

Because who doesn't appreciate thick thighs?

25. Food that isn't properly seasoned.

Might as well eat cardboard.

26. Stacey Dash.

Gives a new meaning to "Clueless."

27. Weddings that don't have open bars.

Liquor ain't cheap!

28. Friends and family who expect us to have open bars at our wedding.

Liquor ain't cheap! (lol)

29. Being hyper-sexualized.

Especially when it comes to young Black girls.

30. Being seen as hyper-aggressive.

Black men are not animals.

31. Store employees stalking us in the aisles.

Some companies don't deserve our hard-earned money.

32. Police harassment.

I actually really don't know why you pulled me over, SIR.

33. Older family members who think Vicks VapoRub, and some tea with lemon will cure everything from a cold to a gunshot wound.

Healthcare costs are way too hot, you need to cut it!

34. Non-Black hair dressers who swear they can do natural hair.

Not today, sweetie.

35. Black hair dressers who still can't do natural hair.


Feel free to add more in the comments below!

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