31 Essential Things You'll Probably Forget To Pack For College
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31 Essential Things You'll Probably Forget To Pack For College

Is there something you're forgetting to bring?

31 Essential Things You'll Probably Forget To Pack For College

Summer vacation is officially winding down to a close and college move-in day is just around the corner. I've saved at least a dozen various packing lists to my Pinterest board over the last month, all of which claimed to be the "ultimate list" of everything I could possibly need for starting my first semester of college. And while each of them were helpful in getting me started, none of them had been the ultimate packing list I'd been hoping for. The more I pack, the more things I realize I forgot to put on my personal packing list because they weren't glaringly obvious necessities, such as linens or storage bins. Even so, we're all bound to find ourselves in a bit of a pickle further down the road when we find ourselves in need of one of the unassuming items listed below.

Office Supplies

1. Printer paper and ink

There's no worse feeling than going to print the first homework assignment of the semester only to realize your printer doesn't have any paper. Nor any ink. So while it might be great that you no longer have to go to the library to print, save yourself the future stress and make sure you don't forget these vital components for your personal printer.

2. Rubber bands, paper clips, and binder clip

The trifecta of office supplies. We often over look these commodities when stocking up on the rest of the back to school gear, but don't underestimate these humble little gems. All extremely useful and surprisingly versatile, so be sure to include a package of each as you pack your moving boxes.

3. Pencil sharpener

Yes, yes, I already know what you're going to say; "I only use mechanical pencils--what do I need a pencil sharpener for?" But for those of you that still enjoy taking notes with a yellow No. 2 or find adult coloring books relaxing, not having your own sharpener is comparable to getting a flat tire and not having a spare. It really is better to be safe than sorry.

4. Stamps and stationary

If your family is anything like mine, you're likely to receive some sort of card or care package from time to time. So don't be that person who can't even be bothered to mail a thank you in reply. Save yourself a trip to the post office later on (because we all now what a nightmare that is) and stock up on a book of stamps, some envelopes, and a few blank note cards. Honestly, it's just common courtesy.

"Kitchen" Items

5. Ziploc baggies

Even though you may not have an actual kitchen per se, you'll probably still have a stash of food somewhere in your dorm. Plastic bags are great for packing yourself a snack for class and keeping your food fresh. Keep a few sandwich bags in your backpack to protect your phone in when it rains, or to smuggle a brownie out of the cafeteria. For those of you that travel often, quart size bags are a necessity for packing liquids in your carry-on.

6. Chip clips

Ah, chip clips. What would we do without them? They save us from the horror of having to throw away an opened bag of Doritos just because they've gone stole. Do yourself a favor and remember to include these tiny miracles in your moving boxes.

7. Microwave safe tubberware

The keyword here is microwave safe, because no one wants to eat melted plastic with their ramen noodles. And remember that brownie from the cafeteria we saved in a sandwich bag? Use a tubberware container to package up your leftovers for later and waste less food.

8. Mug

Even if you personally aren't bringing a coffee maker to college, chances are you'll meet some who will, so it's better to be prepared now rather than pay $12 for Starbucks later.

Cleaning Supplies

9. Paper towels

What can't they be used for? Use them as a napkin so you don't get Cheeto dust on your roommate's stuff; wipe up the juice you just spilled on the floor; fold one up as a coaster to protect your furniture from watermarks; lay one on top of your bowl of Spaghettios to keep it from splashing your microwave; use a wet one to clean your microwave after you forget about that last one. The possibilities are endless.

10. Mini vacuum/broom and dustpan

This is a good one to get before moving in rather than afterwards so that the floor will be clean before moving all of your stuff in. Either way, you're bound to need one eventually.

11. Disinfecting wipes

Take a pre-preemptive strike against cold and flu season by disinfecting all of your dorm furniture as soon as you move in. For those living in a suite style dorm, these are a must for cleaning your bathroom.

12. Dish soap, dishcloth, and dish towel

If you haven't already taken the time to wash all of your dishes before moving into your time, it's important that you do so before eating with them, so make sure you have these items to get your dishes squeaky clean and sanitary.


13. Swimming suit

Unless you're moving to the coast or are joining the swim team, packing a swimming suit may have slipped your mind. But because it's still technically summer, despite the fact that school is starting, you never know when the opportunity might arise in which you'll need your suit. Best to keep the snorkel and pool floaties at home though.

14. Business attire

Having at least one professional outfit in your closet may be vital to your college career. We're a part of the adult world now, crazy as that may seem, so it's important that we can look the part at job interviews or whatnot.

15. Bathrobe

Even if you don't use one at home, you should probably start getting into the habit. Whether your building has community or suite style bathrooms, wearing a bathrobe after your shower is just common courtesy.

16. Shower shoes

Because nothing says "public shower" quite like foot fungus. Wear an old pair of rubber flip flops into the shower to avoid contracting any of these nasty little things or spreading it around.


17. Garment bag

If doing your laundry is a new frontier for you, good luck. A garment bag is used to keep your dedicates separated from the rest of your clothes in the wash. Any item that can't go in the dryer and must be air dried instead, wash it in the garment bag to avoid having to sort through your damp clothes to find them.

18. Stain fighter

Fabric stains are inevitable. Pre-treat stains with a stain fighter to make sure they come out the first time. A solid-based fighter is best for treating stains that you aren't planing on washing right away.

19. Dryer sheets

To give your laundry a fresh clean sent and to ensure you won't become the next Static Cling.

20. Lint Roller

You'll regret not having this the moment you try and wear black. Trust me.


21. Cold medicine

When you're sick, the last thing you want to do is have to run to the store for medicine. Better to pick some up now rather than waiting to regret it later.

22. Pain medicine

While you're standard first-aid kit may have a dose or two ibuprofen, that ultimately isn't going to last you very long.

23. Antacids and anti-nausea medication

Unfortunately, dining hall food isn't exactly your mother's home cooking. Neither is a bowl of Easy Mac or some ramen noodles. This might be hard for your body to adjust to, which could cause heart burn and upset stomach. You'll get used to the change in diet eventually, but it's better to prepared than not.

24. Medical thermometer

Unsure whether or not you're sick enough to warrant a trip to the health clinic? Having a thermometer to take your temperature may just be the difference between trudging across campus for treatment or waiting until it passes. If you have a fever, it's definitely time to see a nurse; if not, use your best judgement and get some rest.


25. Light bulbs

Move-in day is here and everything looks perfect. Except your lamp. Make sure to pack enough light bulbs to get you started so you won't be left in the dark. Some schools have certain requirements when it comes to what kinds of light bulbs you can use, so be sure to look into this before purchasing just any light bulb.

26. Lock box

An excellent way to ensure your valuables remain safe and secure. Use it to store your social security card, passport, excess cash, and the crown jewels. Higher quality models will have a steel tethering cable attached to keep thieves from walking away with your box full of treasures.

27. Flashlight

A useful item for all occasions, such as power outages, or coming in after a late night and not wanting to wake your roommate.

28. Batteries

When the aforementioned flashlight stops working or your TV remote won't work, don't panic. You likely just need to replace the batteries. As always, it's better to already have some at hand rather than be left stranded in the dark and without your Netflix until you can make it to the nearest store.

29. Sunscreen

Be prepared to be outside a lot more than your used to. Even the five minutes it takes you to walk to your classes is time the sun's UV rays are damaging your skin, so make sure you have some sunscreen on hand to protect yourself.

30. Cotton balls/swabs

Again, so useful yet so often forgotten. Create a small stash of these two things now so you won't have to run to the store later.

31. Safety pins

Perfect for altering your clothes for a better fit in a pinch or keeping your gloves paired together.

When it comes to packing, everyone is going to be a little bit different in terms of what they need. There is no "ultimate list" out there that contains everything we're going to need to move in to our dorms for the first time, it's going to take a bit of trial and error before we figure out what it is we're missing. Until then, I think it's better to be slightly over prepared rather than being forced to run to the store several times during my first weeks on campus. But to each his own I suppose.

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