30 Radio Disney Throwback Songs
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30 Radio Disney Throwback Songs

The top 30 songs that you used to listen to in your teeny-bopper time.

30 Radio Disney Throwback Songs

Back before the Justin Bieber's and the Rihanna's and the Drakes, we had real, class music. On your way home from soccer practice or from school or even on long car rides, you would jam out to Radio Disney's hit songs. You might have called in to request a song on your mom or dad's phone or even to try and win the prizes that they always offered. Even though we are all grown up now, it is important to never forget the classics from our childhood. These are the top Radio Disney throwbacks.

1. Crazy Frog by Axel F

Even though there weren't any lyrics, this was one of the best songs that Radio Disney played at least five times a day. This song was arguably the beginning of the dubstep/bass drop era.

2. 1985 by Bowling for Soup

If you don't know every lyric to this song then you failed your childhood. Even though this song referenced stuff from before our time, this was a classic for our generation. This song is top on my throwback playlist.

3. Too Little Too Late by Jojo

I miss Jojo and it's crazy to think she was only 16 years old when this song came out. Even though we were around 12 years old when this came out, we sang our hearts out, feeling all the emotions. Now looking back, you just have to think, "I was 12. Who could have hurt me that badly?"

4. Leave (Get Out) by Jojo

How can we talk about Jojo and not mention Leave (Get Out). This song is the epitome of teeny-bopper angst.

5. Baby It's You by Jojo

Oh my god I almost forgot about this one! I loved this one!

6. Potential Breakup Song by Aly & AJ

Aly and Aj were arguably the queens of all this Disney. They dominated all the movies and shows and even the radio waves. Aly was still always my favorite.

7. Like Whoa by Aly & AJ

Let's also not forget this sassy and uplifting beat either! Sing it girls!

8. Rush by Aly and AJ

This was definitely my favorite song by them. I'm pretty sure this was the trademark song for multiple Disney Channel movies.

9. Beautiful Soul by Jesse McCartney

Oh man was Jesse McDreamy the number one guy for the majority of the early 2000s. This song definitely had you feeling like he was going to find you and profess his love for you.

10. I Want Candy by Aaron Carter

Right next to Jesse was Aaron Carter, or as I like to call him, the original Justin Bieber.

11. Aaron's Party by Aaron Carter

We also can't forget what song really made us all want to go to a crazy house party. This song was definitely the original Project X.

12. He Said She Said by Ashley Tisdale

Another version of actress-goes-singer was this song by Ashley Tisdale. I can't lie, I definitely jammed out to this song every time it played.

13. All Star by Smash Mouth

Made famous from Shrek, this song should also be a song that you know all the lyrics too.

14. Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne

All the teenage angst!

15. My Happy Ending by Avril Lavigne

Let's also not forget this golden song of teenage angst.

16. Beverly Hills by Weezer

The song that made us all want to move to LA.

17. Behind These Haze Eyes by Kelly Clarkson

Old school Kelly will forever and always be a trademark of the early 2000s.

18. Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson

Another great song that you probably remember all the lyrics too even after all this time.

19. Barbie Girl by Aqua

This song is oddly still relevant and you still probably know all the words.

20. Call Me, Beep Me by Christina Milian

The ever famous Kim Possible theme song, the show that epitomized female power.

21. Come Clean by Hilary Duff

Another Disney Channel princess. Actually, strike that. Hilary Duff was the Disney Channel queen.

22. Do You Believe in Magic by Aly and AJ

This song was made popular from that one Disney Channel movie that Aly starred in and I bet AJ was just jealous she didn't get a part so they made this as consolidation.

23. Drama Queen (That Girl) by Lindsay Lohan

Throwback to before Lindsay Lohan was crazy and also the best movie that was the breakout for her and Megan Fox, Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.

24. Fly by Hilary Duff

Another classic from the Queen.

25. Hamster Dance by Hampton The Hamster

Again a song with no actual lyrics but was still fun to listen to.

26. He Loves Me He Love You Not by Dream

This was more of the funky-pop variety, but definitely made you feel like a badass when listening to it.

27. Let's Get It Started by The Blacked Eyed Peas

Throwback to The Blacked Eyed Peas before they all went on to their solo careers.

28. Wake Up by Hilary Duff

Obviously, Hilary had the most hits. It was Hilary Duff!

29. What Dreams Are Made Of by Hilary Duff

Everyone better now this song and all the lyrics and every work to the Hilary Duff movie.

30. Super Girl by Krystal Harris.

The last song on the list. You might not know this one super well, but it will at least be familiar.

There might be some good music that is produced now, but nothing can compare to the gems that came out of the early 2000s on Radio Disney.

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