Ah, yes, LJN Ltd. I’m sure a lot of people who were gamers in the 1980s to 1990s are very familiar with this infamous video game company that was notorious for making terrible games in that time period.
A lot of my knowledge of LJN comes from The Angry Video Game Nerd on YouTube. As he likes to refer to them as “Laughing Joking Numbnuts,” he has demonstrated on his channel just how terrible these games are.
If I had to choose, I would much rather do the following than EVER play an LJN video game.
1. Be late for class looking for a parking spot
2. Do a group project in class
3. Have my name spelled “Johannah” instead of “Johanna”
4. Listen to a toddler scream at Wal-Mart for five minutes
5. Listen to “It’s Everyday Bro” by Jake Paul on repeat for days straight
6. Get literal coal for Christmas
7. Relive high school all over again
8. Hear “Leon Heeeeelllllllppppppp!” While playing "Resident Evil 4" nonstop on a continuous loop during the entire game.

9. Play HongKong ‘97.

10. Wait in line at the financial aid office
11. Have my favorite show/movie removed from Netflix
12. Hear that Net Neutrality being repealed was actually a joke and it’s still safe.
13. Get a message from my ex at two in the morning
14. Listen to Mike Tyson rap.
15. Read an uninteresting or unfulfilling book
16. Clean my cats’ litter box
17. Watch the Netflix version of “Death Note”
18. Cancel my Apple Music Membership
19. Stub my toe.
20. Watch cringey BuzzFeed videos.
21. Shatter my iPhone screen.
22. Order chicken nuggets in the drive through but get a fish sandwich instead
23. Take an awkward family photo for a Christmas card
24. Have my coffee knocked over by one of my cats
25. Have no coffee at all

26. Go on an awkward Tinder date
27. Lose all my Instagram and Twitter followers and all my Snapchat streaks.
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