25 Songs From Middle School We Forgot Existed | The Odyssey Online
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25 Songs From Middle School We Forgot Existed

Throwback to customizing Myspace, trading Silly Bands, and an obsession with Hollister and Abercrombie.

25 Songs From Middle School We Forgot Existed

Thinking back on music I listened to in middle school, I am pretty sure my friends and I knew the words to all of them, even though we didn't always know what the song implied. These songs are truly the "oldies" of our decade and I'm sure your forgot about them...until right now.

1. "Replay"- Iyaz

Na na na na, everyday this song was always on replay

2. "London Bridge"- Fergie

You never said the cuss words because you didn't want to get in trouble

3. "Don't Trust Me"- 3OH!3

So many bad Helen Keller jokes

4. "Good Girls Go Bad"- Cobra Starship feat. Leighton Meester

We all tried to be Leighton Meester

5. "Shake It"- Metro Station

This song definitely started the mosh pit

6. "Ice Cream Paint Job"- Dorrough

We still have no idea what this means

7. "Let It Rock"- Kevin Rudolf feat. Lil' Wayne

Let it rock, let it rock, let it rock, let it rock

8. "Party Like A Rockstar"- Shop Boyz

**flip hat backwards**

9. "Kiss Me Thru The Phone"- Soulja Boy Tell'em feat. Sammie

How many times did you dial 678-999-8212

10. "Beautiful Girls"- Sean Kingston

**cue Jamaican accent**

11. "Bed Rock"- Young Money

Call me Mr. Flinstone

12. "Down"- Jay Sean feat. Lil' Wayne

Rapping Lil Wayne's part made you feel like a badass

13. "Two Is Better Than One"- Boys Like Girls feat. Taylor Swift

You tried to sing harmony and failed

14. "Dirty Little Secret"- The All-American Rejects

She's the Man, John Tucker Must Die, anyone recognize this one?

15. "Sk8er Boi"- Avril Lavigne

The perfect air guitar solo

16. "A Thousand Miles"- Vanessa Carlton

**cue piano noises**

17. "Smack That"- Akon feat. Eminem

The most awkward song at middle school dances

18. "Ms. New Booty"- Bubba Sparxxx feat. Ying Yang Twins

Booty booty booty booty rockin' everywhere

19. "Tipsy"- J-Kwon

**pretends to have a Fake ID**

20. "Grillz"- Nelly feat. Paul Wall, Ali & Gipp

Where's my gum wrapper?

21. "Sexy Can I"- Ray J

It's a Kodak moment, let me go and get my camera

22. "Buy U A Drank (Shawty Snappin')- T-Pain feat. Yung Joc

We used to pretend we were drinking alcohol

23. "Tie Me Down"- New Boyz feat. Ray J

For all you single people

24. "Lip Gloss"- Lil' Mama

Ultimate girl squad song

25. "Leave (Get Out)"- JoJo

Every girl screamed the words to this one

Go ahead and sing these, don't be ashamed, I remember the words too.

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