Try and think of the most awkward and excruciatingly uncomfortable moment of your life. Some of you will picture making an ass out of yourself in front of some hottie you're trying to hookup with, others might imagine a majorly embarrassing public mishap, but if you're one of the lucky ones, like myself, you’re awkward moment comes in the form of a single Uber ride. The typical uber ride involves a group of drunk friends trying to get from A to B, while attempting to opperate the AUX cord. The single ride, the absolute worst of all the Uber rides, is a god damn nightmare. A single ride happens when you are the only one drunk and have no other choice but to pay a stranger to take you to your destination. If you've been there you know exactly what I'm talking about.
- Okay, he's here I really hope he's not a rapist
- He opened the door for me, that's nice
- He was just being nice right?! Maybe I'll just text a few people so they know I'm in his car
- Please for the love of God and all things glitter don't talk to me
- I really hope we don't make eye contact in the mirror
- Dammit we just made eye contact
- Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
- Now he's talking to me
- Yes, I did have a fun night you nimrod, I'm obvs drunk *rolls eyes*
- Did he really just ask if I'm single!!
- For fucks sake if he asks me out I'm jumping out of this moving car
- Actually no, I'm just going to lie and say I'm dating someone
- Just long have we been together? Wtf man.
- At least he's playing good music
- THANK GOD he stopped talking to me
- I'm just going to keep looking out the window and avoiding him
- Why does nothing out the window look familiar?!?
- Oh, wait nope...I recognize that Taco Bell
- Okay, we are almost at my house..
- Should I walk to a different building so he doesn't know where I live?
- Shit. My address is in the gps
- I'll just walk to the back in case
- Yeah, you have a good night too bud