21. Loneliness is never a reason to get in a relationship. | The Odyssey Online
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23 Life LessonsĀ I've Learned At 23

The listicles are back, ladies and gents, and they are better than ever.

23 Life LessonsĀ I've Learned At 23

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I am just going to come out and say it: Life is kicking my ass right now. Whenever I try to go enjoy the moment I have, life has a way of bringing me back to planet Earth that it simply isn't fair. However, with all the ups and downs I have experienced in my short 23 years here, it's time to share what I learned. Yup, 23 lessons at 23 - how creative right? On the real though, here are some of the life lessons that I have learned over the years. I hope it helps you, too.

1. Fun is truly underrated.


Seriously, life is too short. I have seen a bunch of people that I know die so young with so many things to look forward to in life, and I have met 100-year-olds that have had the time of their lives and they are still going at it. Have fun and don't take life too seriously. You're not getting out alive anyway.

2. Change is good.


Staying stagnant in life is not a good thing. We have to keep in mind that life has changes and we should not resist them because change will happen one way or another.

3. Enjoy the little things.


The big victories are cool, but what about the small ones? You caught up with that friend you haven't seen in years, you learned how to whistle, hell, you may have finally said hi to that cute somebody at work - the little victories should be celebrated to; a culmination of little victories can make life that much sweeter.

4. Words do matter.


That sticks and stones nursery rhyme is the biggest lie you can teach a kid. Words hurt, my friends. Watch them with care.

5. Never stop learning.


There's so much to be learned in this short little amount of time we have, so don't waste it. Go out there and keep learning.

6. You can't change the world, but you can be the change.


Just one voice is enough to spark an entire conversation in this world we live in. Don't be afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

7. Expectation is a fool's guide to life.


You are not in control of what is coming to you in life, and you just have to roll with the punches. You can set your expectations, but don't be upset if it doesn't go your way.

8. Remember there are two sides to every story.


Do your best to listen to all sides of a situation or story before you cast judgment. Everything in life is not just black or white.

9. Pace yourself.


Don't rush things, enjoy life while you can, smell the roses, and embrace the environment around you. Don't miss the little things in life pass you by.

10. Put yourself first.


Take care of yourself. It's sometimes hard to put ourselves first when we want to help others, but you need to make sure you are OK as well.

11. It's not all about you.


At the same time, it's not always all about you. Find the middle ground of taking care of yourself and taking care of others, life will thank you later.

12. Never give up.


Press on. Almost all of the successful people in the world history books had one thing in common, and that was the ability to never give up. Perseverance is the key.

13. "It shall pass."


Everything in life will pass, positive or negative - remember that. Take the moment for what its worth, as it is just a moment, after all.

14. Start now.


Every journey has a step one; it's up to you when you want to make that leap.

15. Learn to take compliments.


Accept compliments whenever you get them, it makes you feel good after all.

16. Learn to take criticism.


You have to be open to becoming better, and constructive criticism can make you better.

17. Be yourself.


Be authentic, and live life like you want it to be, as long as the life you live is the true you.

18. Success is the superhero, and failure is the sidekick.


Failure is just the stepping stone to success, so learn to accept it as such and keep going.

19. Looks don't define you, but your character will.


Always judge someone by the content of their character, because looks can be deceiving.

20. You can't please everyone.


Just like this article, and everything else, I already know someone will hate it. But honestly, who gives a shit?

21. Loneliness is never a reason to get in a relationship.


Be happy with yourself before you get in a relationship - this can't be stressed enough.

22. Love is unlimited.


It doesn't run out, you control the limits, spread the love to everyone.

23. Always have something to look forward to.


It keeps you looking forward and not dwelling in the past. Because in life, you have to keep moving forward.

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